Make way for 'Sikh media revolution'
Make way for 'Sikh media revolution'
Online film festivals are fast becoming common but here's a novel one that's exclusively on Sikh films.

New Delhi: Online film festivals are fast becoming common but when one is held exclusively on Sikh films, it is sure to be rare.

The first online Sikh film festival, held last week had both features and shorts, and drew film-makers from Mumbai to Texas alike.

"It is a Sikh media revolution of sorts. Twenty film-makers under the age of 25 made it to the finals at the online film festival for Sikhs," said its organisers, a US based Sikh advocacy group called Sikhnet.

"I do see the manifestations of talent in these budding artists that can help 'Sikh media' to flourish and become a part of the International cinema soon," said producer and one of the judges at the festival, Ish Amitoj Kaur.

The Festival idea originated with Sikhnet's recognition of the immense popularity and creativity of video postings on Internet sites such as Google Video and YouTube.

In addition to that, the need for youth to get involved in the media to better communicate the Sikh identity, was another aim, says SikhNet webmaster Gurumustuk Singh.

The Festival theme "What being a Sikh means to me" inspired Sikh youth under the age of 25 from Texas to Mumbai to respond with creativity, honesty, insight, and personal experience of the Sikh lifestyle to produce some highly original short films, he said in a release.

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