Kashmiri Pandit outfits in J&K favour BJP
Kashmiri Pandit outfits in J&K favour BJP
Major Kashmiri Pandit outfits such as All India Kashmiri Samaj and Jammu and Kashmir Vichar Manch (JKVM) have given a call to the community members to support BJP in the Lok Sabha polls, saying it was the only political party which has been sympathetic towards its grievances.

Major Kashmiri Pandit outfits such as All India Kashmiri Samaj and Jammu and Kashmir Vichar Manch (JKVM) have given a call to the community members to support BJP in the Lok Sabha polls, saying it was the only political party which has been sympathetic towards its grievances.

The JKVM said BJP was the only party that has included issue of displaced Kashmiri Pandits in its manifesto reiterating commitment to create an atmosphere so that they can return to Kashmir with "dignity and honour".

These outfits also criticised UPA government saying it did nothing to address the problems being faced by around five lakh Kashmiri Pandits who were displaced from the valley.

The Kashmiri Pandits continued to live as "refugees" in their own country since militancy broke out in the Valley in 1989 as UPA did "nothing" to address their grievances, they said.

"Manifestos of all political parties except BJP is silent on issues raised by the community," the JKVM said in a statement. It said though Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi claimed himself to be a Kashmiri, he never thought of displaced Kashmiri Pandit community.

"BJP is the only national party which has been raising issues concerning us. These issues are very important for us. We are supporting BJP in the polls," AIKS General Secretary Romesh Raina said.

He said there will be around five lakh Kashmiri Pandits in the country out of which 1.25 lakh are residing in the national capital.

The JKVM, particularly, appealed to voters in Amethi to support BJP's Smriti Irani, saying she has been a "huge support" to the cause of the community.

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