Karnataka Diploma Result 2019: DTE Diploma Results Announced at dte.karnic.in, Check Your Score Here
Karnataka Diploma Result 2019 | The Board of Technical Examinations, Department of Technical Education of Karnataka State Government has declared the Karnataka Diploma Result 2019 today, June 21. The diploma semester DTE 2019 Result was released on the official website dte.kar.nic.in.
According to media reports, the Karnataka Diploma Result 2019 will be uploaded on the DTE Karnataka Diploma Result 2019 website after 3 pm. As the timing for declaring semester results is not officially announced by the Karnataka Board of Technical Examinations yet, so all Karnataka Diploma 2019 Result seekers can frequently visit the official website and keep a track of result announcement.
The Karnataka Board of Technical Examinations conducted the semester routine exam between April and May. As and when the DTE Semester 2019 Result is declared, the scorecard can checked with the below-listed step.
Steps to Check Karnataka Diploma Result 2019
Step 1: Visit the official website dte.kar.nic.in
Step 2: On the homepage, click on the ‘Karnataka Diploma APR/ MAY results in 2019’ link
Step 3: On the new page enter the required details like institute code, register and semester numbers
Step 4: Submit the details in order to view Karnataka Diploma Result 2019, DTE Diploma 2019 Result, DTE Karnataka Result 2019
Step 5: The Karnataka Diploma 2019 Result will be displayed on the screen
Step 6: Save the soft copy and take a printout for further reference.
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