Happy new hear: Regain hearing after total loss
Happy new hear: Regain hearing after total loss

Latest scientific inventions have made it possible for many people to overcome various disabilities and lead a normal life.  Loss of hearing is one issue wherein science has brought in a big change through cochlear Implants. Bangalore being a technologically advanced city, a few hospitals in the city conduct cochlear implant surgery.

Studies have revealed that every second or fourth  child among 1000 born in India suffer from deafness. Around 400,000 children under the age of four suffer from deafness in India. Cochlear Implant is an ‘artificial ear’ or a ‘bionic ear’ - that replaces the function of hearing when the natural ear does not work at all. Unlike hearing aids, it does not merely amplify sound, instead it replaces the entire function of the inner ear. However, only 1,000 children have been implanted so far, in India and this is because of the high cost factor associated with it.

The outcome from cochlear implants in patients is astonishing. A child born with complete deafness, after implantation regains complete hearing so well, that he can attend regular mainstream school and develop normal speech and language on par with a normal child. An adult after implantation can resume his/her employment and social interaction as  prior to hearing loss.

However, the main glitch of the implant is the high cost factor associated with it. Dr Someshwar, Senior Consultant, ENT Surgery and Cochlear Implant adds, “The device costs about `5.5 lakh. Surgery involves one night stay in hospital and costs an additional `1.5 lakh approximately. Surgery in a child should ideally be done at he age of three. In an adult, it should be carried out after complete hearing loss when hearing aids are not proving to be useful.

Post surgery, the child needs to undergo regular speech therapy, mapping of device and rehabilitation for about 1 to 1.5 years.  As far as medication is concerned, its use is minimal.”

Around 10,000 people in India have undergone this procedure. A limited number of hospitals that conduct cochlear implant regularly carry out 2 to 3 surgeries every month.

Another issue surrounding the implant is the lack of awareness and training facilities for interested doctors in India. Surgical training for Cochlear Implants is not available easily in centres in India. This is due to prohibitive costs and relatively recent technology.

Due to the intricate nature and complexity of the surgical procedure, there are no proper training facilities for doctors on cochlear implant in India, however, training facilities are available abroad.

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