Georgia Conflict: NATO freezes ties with Russia
Georgia Conflict: NATO freezes ties with Russia
Relations will only be resumed after the troops are withdrawn from Georgia.

New Delhi:The South Ossetia conflict has led the members of North Atlantic Treaty Organization to freeze all its ties with Russia. Relations will only be resumed after the troops are withdrawn from Georgia.

There was very strong language in the declaration and very strong language around the table of the need for Russia to honour the ceasefire commitment that its President has undertaken. It is time for the Russian president to keep his word to withdraw Russian forces from Georgia back to the August 6-7 status quo ante

"This document is a very clear statement that this alliance - NATO - having come so far after the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union in achieving a Europe that is whole, free and at peace is not going to permit a new line to be drawn in Europe a line between those who were fortunate enough to make it in to the Transatlantic structures and those who still aspire to those transatlantic structures," said U S secretary of state Condoleezza Rice.

The member states have also agreed to set up a new forum known as a NATO-Georgia Commission to strengthen ties with Tbilisi. The members want Russia to follow the 6-point peace plan outlined by French President Nicholas Sarkozy, who holds the European Union's rotating presidency.

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