Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Sunday said an alert has been sounded in coastal districts of the state in the wake of cyclone Tauktae, and the state administration has braced up to ensure uninterrupted electricity and oxygen supply in COVID-19 hospitals. Thackeray gave the assurance to Union Home Minister Amit Shah during a virtual meeting in the morning on the preparedness for tackling the cyclonic storm.
According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), cyclone Tauktae has intensified into a “very sever cyclonic storm” and is approaching the Gujarat coast. The IMD has forecast high speed winds along and off south Maharashtra-Goa and adjoining Karnataka coasts over the next couple of days.
Here are the 10 points on Maharashtra’s cyclone Tauktae preparedness:
- Coastal areas have been put on high alert.
- Uninterrupted power supply has been ensured in hospitals.
- Continuous oxygen supply to hospitals to be ensured.
- Backup on stand by for any supply disruptions.
- Patients will not face gaps in the treatment, the government said.
- Patients in jumbo and Covid Care Centres have been relocated to safer places.
- Those staying kuccha dwellings have also been relocated.
- The government has ensured smooth production and supply of oxygen.
- Police and other officials have been deployed to redress public grievances in view of the cyclone.
- Mantralaya control rooms will work in coordination with district control rooms.
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