China may not back India's UNSC bid
China may not back India's UNSC bid
China will support India on revamping UNSC but is evasive on supporting New Delhi's bid for a permanent seat.

Beijing: On Thursday, China said it was willing to "intensify" consultations with India on revamping the UN Security Council to make it more efficient and democratic but was non-committal on actively supporting New Delhi's bid for a permanent seat in the body.

The Chinese stand on India's UNSC bid came out when visiting Indian journalists quizzed Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Kong Quan about Beijing's views on the issue during an interaction.

Kong reiterated a statement made by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao during his visit to New Delhi last year.

"Premier Wen during his last visit to your country made clear Chinese government's position on this issue. China looks forward to and welcomes a greater role of India in international affairs," Kong quoted Wen as saying.

At the same time, he noted that the reform of the UN has triggered "great degree of differences" among different parties.

"What China calls for is that through in-depth and democratic consultations, we will be able to reach the maximum consensus among different parties," he said.

As the largest developing country, China strongly calls for redressing the existing non-representation of developing countries in the UNSC, he said.

Giving representation to developing countries should be made the priority of the UNSC reforms, he stressed.

After the reform of the UNSC, it should be made more efficient and democratic in its functions, Kong said, adding that "we should intensify our consultations with our Indian friends on these issues."

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