With the onset of monsoon, a host of monsoon diseases and mosquito-borne diseases like malaria, chikungunya and dengue make their way across cities and villages in the country and leave behind a lot of devastation in terms of health and life at their wake. One of the most prevalent mosquito-borne disease that was discovered in 1952, millions of people around the world have been affected by chikungunya outbreaks in several Asian and African countries. The viral disease is caused by the chikungunya virus and spreads through the Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti type of mosquitoes.
According to an article published in Telangana Today, Dr Venugopal Gouri said the best way to prevent the viral fever is to see that the mosquitoes are not able to thrive near households.
According to Dr Venugopal Gouri, the prime duty of a person is to see that water does not stagnate in flower pots, old tires, unused buckets, puddles and on pathways among other places. Health officials say that these re the places the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes thrive by multiplying with larvae and ultimately becoming agents of chikungunya, transmitting the disease to human beings.
Notably, simple measures like using mosquito nets at bedtimes can be one of the best barriers between healthy individuals and chikungunya.
According to the news report, while people are more inclined towards using mosquito repellents, they may not be that effective all the time.
There have been quite a few researches that has shown that these chemicals can cause quite a few allergic responses in the respiratory tract.
The Aedes aegypti mosquitoes can bite humans in the daytime too.
Chikungunya is characterised by suddenness and abruptness. While it is not fatal, it can be debilitating as it can cause arthritis-like symptoms or pain in the joints with swelling and sometimes the symptoms could last for an entire year.
However, the immune system is usually able to fight it through and in due course stops any secondary infection.
A person suffering from Chikungunya requires adequate rest and liquid to be ingested to see through an illness characterised by flu and one which may sometime mimic dengue-like fever.
According to Dr Venugopal Gouri, homeopaths are more equipped in identifying and treating chikungunya and Ars alb, Phos, Gelsemium and Dulcamara are effective when the flu-like illness is on in full swing. Bryonia, Rhus tox, Ruta and Eupa perf are effective in relieving the pain of the Chikungunya fever, the doctor added.
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