Cherie Blair lifts the lid on her sex life
Cherie Blair lifts the lid on her sex life
Says her husband "still excites me in all possible ways".

London: Former British Premier Tony Blair's wife Cherie has lifted the lid on her sex life, saying that her husband "still excites me in all possible ways".

"We've been married 31 years and known each other 35 and even now he still excites me in all possible ways," 'The Sun' tabloid quoted the 56-year-old mother-of-four as saying in an interview with a magazine.

Cherie, a Queen's Counsel, giggled when asked how the couple spend their time when the former Prime Minister returns from his trips as envoy to the Middle East.

Tony, 57, once joked he could make love "at least five times a night" and the couple also claim to be members of the mile high club.

Last year Tony revealed in his memoirs how he "devoured Cherie's love" the night before he became Labour leader in 1994. He wrote: "I was an animal following my instinct."

Cherie had son Leo, who is now ten, when she was 45 and living in Downing Street. She later revealed the pair conceived the child on an official stay at Balmoral in Scotland as it's embarrassing to bring contraceptive "equipment" for the castle, where servants unpack wash bag.

But Cherie admitted some things have changed over the years. Recalling watching the fireworks after the 1981 Royal Wedding, she said her husband lifted her on to his shoulders adding, "He couldn't do that now. He would probably collapse."

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