Catholic body wishes BJP, hopes it follows Mahatma Gandhi's ideals
Catholic body wishes BJP, hopes it follows Mahatma Gandhi's ideals
"The new government has the responsibility to ensure the security of the minorities," the catholic body said.

New Delhi: The Catholic Bishops Conference of India (CBCI), the highest body of the Catholic Christians in India has sent a congratulatory message to the BJP. In its message to the Congress, they have asked the party from the experience.

In a letter signed by the CBCI president Cardinal Baselios Cleemis Catholics has said, "Congratulations to the National Democratic Alliance, led by BJP on the convincing victory in the General Election of India with an overwhelming support of the public. We hope and wish that the new Government will continue to uphold the eternal values, secularism and principles of democracy to lead the Nation on the path of development."

It has asked the BJP government to follow the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi. The CBCI said, "Let the new government led by BJP enable the India of Mahatma Gandhi stand tall among the world nations ensuring protection, security, welfare and the sustained development of the people of all sections."

"The new government has the responsibility to ensure the security of the minorities and to show special consideration towards the weaker sections of the country. The Catholic Church in India will continue to extend its creative support to the activities of the Government in the process of Nation Building. Let the Congress party learn from experience and be rooted in the Congress culture with greater commitment and dedication to the people and perform as a creative force in the opposition knowing the pulse of the public." the CBCI said.

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