Cancer:Teachers most suited to spread awareness
Cancer:Teachers most suited  to spread awareness
ALUVA: Making the teaching  fraternity aware of the deadly effect of cancer would permeate to all sections of society, onco-r..

ALUVA: Making the teaching  fraternity aware of the deadly effect of cancer would permeate to all sections of society, onco-radiologist of Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS) Dr Rajeev has said. He was delivering the keynote address at a seminar organised by MES Training College, Edathala, here.  Though Kerala boasts of having all the modern amenities and technology to detect cancer, the lack of awareness and failure of early detection due to the widespread phobia of the disease have become major stumbling blocks in reducing the onslaught of the disease.Dr Rajeev stressed the importance of early detection of cancer and spreading awareness among common people.    Lifestyle is an important factor in contracting cancer. The number of cancer patients is increasing every year. Last year it was found that 100 cases of cancer-related cases were detected per day. But it would increase to 150 per day this year.Lung cancer is the most prevalent type found in men while breast cancer tops the list in women. However, cervical cancer has considerably declined in recent years. Liver cancer affects men at the ratio of 1:7 when compared to women, Rajeev said.      Over 35,000 cases have been diagnosed so far, forcing the IMRC to take up new projects to study the staggering onslaught of cancer. Statistician and consultant Dr P Gangadharan of AIMS also spoke at the seminar.

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