Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said the total stretch is 6.675 km long and will provide transport facilities to a large number of people living in Noida, besides catering to residents of close-by areas of Ghaziabad.
New Delhi: The Cabinet on Wednesday approved an extension of metro rail network from Noida City Centre to Sector-62, which borders Ghaziabad in UP, with an investment of Rs 1,967 crore, Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said here.
Briefing reporters on the Union Cabinet decisions, he said the total stretch is 6.675 km long and will provide transport facilities to a large number of people living in Noida, besides catering to residents of close-by areas of Ghaziabad.
He said Noida is also expanding in terms of commerce and educational facilities.
Under Delhi Metro corridor, metro line will be extended from Noida City Centre to Sector 62, Noida Rs 1,967 crore would be spent on the expansion, he said.
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