Average housewife spends 6 yrs of their lives cleaning
Average housewife spends 6 yrs of their lives cleaning
It takes 130 minutes to do the laundry and 104 minutes to iron.

London: An average housewife spends six years of their lives cleaning, according to a survey.

She takes around 987 minutes or 16.45 hours a week keeping the family home up to scratch, the study has found.

That is an astonishing two hours and 11 minutes a day tidying up - 35.6 days across the average year.

The study of 4,000 housewives found that cleaning the kitchen and dishes is the most time-consuming weekly job at 140 minutes.

It takes 130 minutes to do the laundry and 104 minutes to iron.

Around 34 minutes is spent simply on making and changing beds. Not surprisingly, six out of 10 polled said they would hire a cleaner if they could afford it.

"The figures are astounding when you work them out across the average woman''s lifetime. We have accounted for the fact that between the ages of 18 and 81 women will be conducting their own cleaning, and for the majority of this time it will also be on behalf of her whole family,” The Mirror quoted Catherine Juliana, of bedding firm comfortier.com which compiled the survey, as saying.

"Women spend ridiculous amounts of time on menial tasks,” she added.

The findings were calculated on the average woman''s adult life of 63 years.

Over half revealed excessive cleaning made them angry.

Vacuuming takes a further 118 minutes and washing the floors 43 minutes. Cleaning the bathroom takes 131 minutes while dusting and polishing is 133 minutes.

Random tasks are given another 29 minutes a week. The most hated chore was cleaning out the oven followed by cleaning the toilet.

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