Alcohol more harmful than heroin or coke: report
Alcohol more harmful than heroin or coke: report
Watch out before you reach out for another drink - alchohol could be more dangerous for your health than cocaine and tobacco - a new British study has revealed.

United Kingdom: Watch out before you reach out for another drink - alchohol could be more dangerous for your health than cocaine and tobacco – a new British study has revealed.

Alcohol abuse is more dangerous to your health than even heroin, cocaine or ecstasy, according to a new study that has been published in the prestigious British journal Lancet.

The study says alcohol can be three times as dangerous as heroin and crack cocaine which are ranked 2nd and 3rd in the index of how harmful they can prove to human health.

Ecstacy is just an eighth as harmful. But the study comes with a caveat - alcohol is deemed most dangerous when you look at its abuse from the context of society. On an individual basis heroin and crack are still more dangerous.

Still, the new study is expected to add to the growing clamour for alcohol to be classified as more dangerous than it currently deemed to be.

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