How To
How to Become Friends With a Guy
Yes, it is possible for a girl and guy to be platonic friends. Whether the pair is naturally not sexually attracted to each other or just have the ability to exercise reasonable self-control, the following tips will help you cultivate true friendships wit...
How to Restart Windows Explorer Without Rebooting Computer
Windows Explorer renders the file manager, desktop icons, taskbar, task switcher, and a few other elements. When Windows Explorer becomes unresponsive and freezes, it's often necessary to restart it. Luckily, there are ways to do this without turning your...
How to Have Shiny Nails Without Using Nail Polish
Everyone wants to have shiny nails—but how are you supposed to get them without applying a ton of different polishes? We've got your back. Keep reading for a quick and easy tutorial that'll get your nails looking naturally buffed and shiny in no time.
How to Date a Co Worker
Dating can be hard, but it can be all the more difficult if you are interested in a coworker. Having to worry about company policy, your peers and your supervisor can really put a damper on a romantic connection. However, if you are interested in one of...
How to Dance an Irish Jig
If you want to dance an Irish Jig, you have to first master the stance and posture. Then, you’ll be able to do different variations of the dance, including the light jig and the reel. Though they may seem similar on the outside, the footwork and movements...
How to Make a Stylus
Did you lose your stylus? Or are you just looking for more accuracy when drawing on your tablet or touch screen? Before you go out and spend money on a new stylus, check out this handy guide that will teach you how to create your own DIY stylus pen for ju...
How to Get Out of Going to an Event
So you’ve been invited to an important event, but instead of feeling excitement and anticipation, you’re feeling a sense of dread. If this sounds like you, look no further! Whether you’re expected to attend a family member’s birthday party, a friend’s hou...
How to Politely Tell Your Boss They’re Wrong
Telling your boss that they're wrong can be tricky, but it's a good idea to speak up if their mistake is going to create problems for your company or a customer. Luckily, we have tips that can help you manage this conversation in a respectful, solution-or...
How to Be Sincere
Sincerity means being honest and straightforward without any pretense, misrepresentation, or deceit. Being a more sincere person can refer to how you interact with others, but ultimately sincerity must begin within yourself. Learning to recognize your tho...
How to Make Your Car Run Faster While Going Uphill
Modern vehicles should not have any trouble making it up hills on most roads. If you find that your vehicle is struggling on a hill, it's likely due to mechanical issues. Whether the problem is poor maintenance or a part that needs to be repaired or repla...
How to Use Measuring Spoons and Cups
Many recipes require measuring cups and spoons so you can include precise amounts of various ingredients. These are quick and easy to use once you know the basic abbreviations, terminology, and techniques. Purchase measuring cups and spoons from a cooking...
How to Diagnose Your Tree Frog's Illness
Tree frogs can be great pets that are generally easy to care for. However, they can develop a variety of illnesses, and it can be a bit of a challenge to figure out exactly what they have. It is a good idea to know the general signs of illness in tree fro...
How to Screw in a Lightbulb
Changing a lightbulb can be difficult if you don’t know what you’re doing. Learning how to read the labels on lightbulbs and being familiar with the terminology goes a long way when replacing a lightbulb. With a little bit of planning and some elbow greas...
How to Bow Politely
Bowing is a traditional way to show respect in many cultures. If you are trying to show respect for the tradition, it is important that you know when to bow and when not to bow. Each culture has its own unique rituals associated with proper bowing, and th...
How to Become a Mechanical Engineer
Mechanical engineers’ skills are in demand in a variety of fields and industries, including medicine, construction, aeronautics, acoustics, and transportation. If a device requires movement, manufacturing, design, testing, or packaging, a mechanical engin...
How to Celebrate Lent
Lent is a Christian tradition that is observed in many denominations. It is the hallowed forty-day period of sacrifice leading up to Jesus' death and Resurrection. During Lent, Orthodox Christians, Catholics and some Protestants prepare for Holy Week by...