Top 25 Herbs for Banishing Negativity & How to Use Them
Top 25 Herbs for Banishing Negativity & How to Use Them
Banishing is the magical skill of removing negativity from your life, and certain herbs are believed to help safeguard your body and mind. In this article, we’re providing the ultimate list of banishing herbs to get rid of any bad vibes, along with helpful tips on how to use them. Whether you’re looking to remove an unwanted person, attachment, or situation, keep reading to protect yourself from harm and make room for positive energy!

Best Banishing Herbs

Angelica How to use for banishment: Carry around dried angelica leaves in a pouch or brew them in a cup of tea to dispel negativity. Burn the herb to perform an exorcism ritual, or add it to your bath to remove curses. Other magical uses: Grow angelica in your garden to ask your guardian angels for guidance, or meditate with the herb to improve your focus and clarity. Element: Air Also called: Archangel, Angelica Root, Masterwort, Garden Angel

Basil How to use for banishment: Soak fresh basil in water for 3 days, then sprinkle it around your room to remove evil spirits. Add a few drops of basil essential oil to a floor wash to protect your home, or wear basil as a protective amulet to prevent melancholy and other negative emotions. Other magical uses: Keep fresh basil plants around your home to promote harmony in your relationships. Place a potted plant near the cash register of your business to attract wealth and fortune. Element: Fire Also called: St. Joseph’s Wort, Tulsi, Witches’ Herb

Bay leaf How to use for banishment: Carry a sachet of dried bay leaves in your purse, bag, or pocket. Leave sachets around your home or burn the herb as incense to ward away evil spirits and harmful energy. Other magical uses: Use bay leaves to manifest your dreams: write your wishes and desires directly on the leaf, visualize your ideal future, then burn the leaf. Element: Fire Also called: Laurel Leaf

Black pepper How to use for banishment: Sprinkle black pepper around the windowsills of your home to protect yourself against the evil eye. Or, mix pepper with old nails and place it in a bottle for an effective protection spell—it can dispel unwanted visitors, plus put a stop to gossip and jealousy from other people. Other magical uses: Carry black peppercorns in your pocket to increase your courage and attract new friends. Element: Fire

Cedar How to use for banishment: Burn cedar smudge sticks to drive away negative energies and restore balance in your home. Mediate with a piece of cedar to activate the third eye chakra and ward off mental fog, anxiety, or other negative emotions. Other magical uses: Hang cedar around your home to promote peace, or carry a small piece of cedar in your wallet to attract wealth and improve your confidence. Element: Earth

Chamomile How to use for banishment: Place sachets of chamomile flowers around the house to relieve stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions. Keep a chamomile plant in your home to ward off bad psychic energy, or drink chamomile tea before bed to prevent nightmares. Other magical uses: Carry chamomile to improve your luck before gambling. Meditate with the herb or add it to your bath to attract love. Element: Water Also called: Whig Plant, Scented Mayweed, Earth Apple, Manzanilla

Cinnamon How to use for banishment: Burn cinnamon sticks as incense to cast away negative energies and raise your protective vibrations. Lay cinnamon sticks along your windowsills to keep unwanted visitors out. Other magical uses: Carry cinnamon in a pouch to attract good luck and fortune, or wear it as an amulet to awaken your psychic abilities and introduce more passion into your life. Element: Fire Also called: Sweet Wood

Coriander How to use for banishment: Tie fresh coriander with a ribbon and hang it inside your home for protection against evil entities. Other magical uses: Toss coriander seeds instead of rice to cast a love spell, or place powdered seeds in wine to create a love potion. Element: Fire Also called: Cilantro, Chinese Parsley, Yee Sai

Cumin How to use for banishment: Burn cumin with frankincense to protect your space from malevolent spirits, or sprinkle it across your doorways each Sunday before noon to drive out evil. Other magical uses: Steep cumin seeds in wine for an effective love potion. Element: Earth

Dragon’s blood How to use for banishment: Burn dragon’s blood incense sticks and spread the smoke throughout your living space to clear any negative energies, or carry a small piece of dragon’s blood in your purse, backpack, or pocket for protection against bad habits. Other magical uses: Meditate with dragon’s blood to relax your mind, body, and soul, connect, and to connect to your core. Element: Fire Also called: Blood, Blume, Calamus Draco

Fleabane How to use for banishment: Burn fleabane as incense to clear negative energies in any room, or infuse the leaves or flowers in oil for use in protective spells. Other magical uses: Boil the roots in water to treat a cold or cough. Element: Fire

Garlic How to use for banishment: Banish bad habits by writing down your habit and placing the paper in a pot of soil under a clove of garlic. Or, place a clove of garlic in the corners of your home to cast away vampires and other malevolent spirits. Other magical uses: Rub fresh peeled garlic against an ailing body part to “absorb” disease. Element: Fire Also called: Stinkweed

Juniper berries How to use for banishment: Burn juniper berries as incense and spread the smoke throughout your home to clear negative energy. Place a juniper sprig near the front door of your home to protect against theft. Other magical uses: Carry juniper berries to increase male virility and attract love. Use juniper oil in spells to increase prosperity. Element: Fire Also called: Cedar Berries, Ginepro, Enebro, Wachholder

Lavender How to use for banishment: Burn dried lavender as incense to shield yourself against bad vibrations and protect babies and children. Drink lavender tea before bedtime to prevent nightmares and promote a peaceful night’s sleep. Other magical uses: Use lavender in love spells to attract men or in happiness spells to heal from depression. Keep the plant in your home to help overcome marital problems or solve issues between parents and children. Element: Air Also called: Spike, Nardus, Elf Lead

Lemon balm How to use for banishment: Drink lemon balm tea to combat stress and anxiety, and to get rid of digestive issues. Lemon balm is believed to have antiviral properties, so drinking tea may help banish the common cold or inhibit viral infections like influenza and cold sores. Other magical uses: Write down your dreams on a piece of paper, then wrap the paper in dried lemon balm to aid in manifestation. Use lemon balm in love spells to attract your perfect partner. Element: Water Also called: Melissa, Sweet Balm, Balm Mint, Bee Balm, Cure-all, Dropsy Plant

Lilac How to use for banishment: Create your own lilac oil by infusing dried lilac petals in a carrier oil like grapeseed, sunflower, or jojoba. Let the oil sit for 6-8 weeks, then strain the flowers and use the oil in protection spells. Alternatively, plant lilacs around your home to protect yourself from people who may do you harm, or cut some to keep indoors to get rid of ghosts. Other magical uses: Dab a bit of lilac oil on your wrists before you go out to attract new love. Infuse lilac blossoms in witch hazel for a few days, then use it as a facial toner to keep your skin looking fresh and clear. Element: Air Also called: Common Lilac

Mugwort How to use for banishment: Create a magic broom or besom with mugwort woven into it, and use it to sweep negative energies from your home. Burn mugwort as incense to protect yourself against injury, fatigue, and poison. Place mugwort leaves under your pillow to prevent astral attacks and attacks from those who would do you harm. Other magical uses: Make a wash by steeping fresh mugwort in hot water, and use it to cleanse your space or ritual tools. Place mugwort around your scrying tools to amplify their power and promote astral travel. Element: Earth Also called: Artemisia, Felon Herb, St. John’s Plant, Naughty Man, Sailor’s Tobacco

Oak How to use for banishment: Use oak bark powder in bath or cleansing spells to get rid of negative energy, or burn it as incense. Alternatively, wear a small piece of oak bark or an acorn from an oak tree as an amulet to protect yourself from toxic people. Other magical uses: Use the acorns from oak trees in abundance spells to attract wealth and prosperity. Element: Water Also called: Duir, Jove’s Nuts

Oregano How to use for banishment: Place oregano under your pillow to prevent psychic attacks and nightmares, or burn dried oregano leaves to protect your space from negative energies. If you often cut or burn yourself in the kitchen, add oregano in kitchen spell bottles to ward off bad luck. Other magical uses: Incorporate oregano in love potions to attract a romantic partner, or plant oregano on a tombstone to ensure happiness in the afterlife. Element: Air

Pine How to use for banishment: Burn pine needles and spread the smoke to drive out evil spirits. Place pine cones around your home to ward off physical illness and disease, or hang a pine wreath on your front door to drive out unwanted visitors. Other magical uses: Brew pine needle tea to maintain good health. Place pinecones underneath your bed as a fertility charm. Element: Fire

Rosemary How to use for banishment: Plant rosemary in front of your home to keep harmful people and spirits out, or hang bundles of dried rosemary throughout your house to ward off negative energy. Place a sprig of rosemary under your pillow to protect yourself from nightmares. Other magical uses: Brew fresh rosemary sprigs and water together to cleanse your hands before rituals, or clean your magical tools with a few drops of rosemary essential oil. Add stalks of rosemary into a bridal bouquet or wreath if you hope to conceive a child in the near future. Element: Fire Also called: Elf Leaf, Sea Dew, Polar Plant, Compass Weed, Mary’s Cloak, Stella Maria

Rue How to use for banishment: Hang dried rue indoors to ward off the evil eye. Burn the herb as incense to prevent illness, or add it to your bath to break hexes placed against you. Other magical uses: Store rue in a pouch inside your bedside table to increase your psychic powers. Element: Fire Also called: Herb of Grace, Herbygrass, Mother of Herbs, Garden Rue

Sage How to use for banishment: Burn sage to cleanse your home of negative energies: place a dried sage bundle in an incense bowl, light the end of it, and let it smolder without fully catching flame. Waft the smoke from the leaves throughout your home, or use it in a spiritual ritual. Other magical uses: Carry a sage leaf in your wallet to attract money. Meditate with the herb when seeking knowledge or guidance on a difficult decision. Element: Air Also called: Garden Sage, White Sage, Red Sage

Sandalwood How to use for banishment: Burn sandalwood incense sticks in protection or exorcism spells to purge your home of negative energies. Sandalwood essential oil may banish stress, anxiety, and inflammation, so add 2-3 drops in your hot shower and inhale the steam. Other magical uses: Scatter sandalwood chips in your home or place them in a spell jar, satchel, or potion to raise your spiritual vibration. Element: Water Also called: Sandal, Santal, White Saunders

Thyme How to use for banishment: Make a broom with thyme bristles to brush away negative energies from your home, or add a few drops of thyme essential oil to a floor wash and chant a protection spell as you clean. Sleep with a sprig of thyme under your pillow to ward off bad dreams. Other magical uses: Wear a sprig of thyme to promote strength and courage, or use it in cleansing baths before performing candle magick to increase your psychic power. Element: Air Also called: Common Thyme, Garden Thyme

Banishing Rituals

Smudge a banishing herb to remove negative energy from your home. Banishing allows you to get rid of unwanted presences, memories, or situations, giving you more control over your life. Smudge your home by burning a banishing herb and wafting the smoke through the space that needs spiritual cleansing. Clearly state what you wish to banish and perform your ritual during a dark or waning moon for the best results. If you want to get rid of an unwanted spirit in your home, burn a banishing herb as incense and say, “This isn’t the place for you, and it’s time for you to leave.” Other popular ways to banish include gardening, meditating, manifesting, and cleaning the home.

Perform a binding spell to banish a negative person or their behavior. If someone is seriously harassing you, try a simple binding spell to dispel their presence, energy, or bad behavior. Come up with a specific and active description of what you intend to happen. For example, say “Bob will stop screaming at me in the office,” instead of “Make Bob a nicer person.” Burn a banishing herb as incense, light a black candle, and chant your binding spell aloud. Be intentional, focus on the present moment, and clearly enunciate each word. Tie a piece of rope into a knot as you finish your final chant, then say “I bind you. I stop your work.” Finish by blowing out the candle and incense.

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