How to Start a Topic in Scratch Forums
How to Start a Topic in Scratch Forums
Scratch is a website that requires a lot of coding and knowledge. The Scratch Forums can be useful to communicate and talk with other Scratchers. You may even suggest a new feature! This wikiHow will show you how to start a topic in the Scratch Forums.

Make a Scratch account or log in to your Scratch account.

Go back to the main page, and scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Discussion Forums". "Discussion Forums" is underneath the "Community" section.

Click the name of the forum you would like to enter. Make sure it's the subject you want to post a topic on.

Click the blue New Topic button on the forum page. You will find this button in the top right corner.

Create a summary title in the text box saying "Subject." Some good placeholders for a title are "What is ___?" or "Add a ___".

Write your topic in the text box labeled "Message". Be as descriptive or as succinct as you feel you need to be. Otherwise, people may be confused.

Click the gray Submit button in the bottom left to publish your topic.

View the finished topic. The topic is now published and other users can reply to your topic.

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