How to Marry a Millionaire
How to Marry a Millionaire
Are you tired of running the rat race, but you’d still like to be taken care of financially? A lot of people feel the same way, and there’s a simple solution: find someone wealthy and marry rich. In this article, we’ll walk you through meeting a millionaire, connecting with a millionaire, and forming a good relationship so you can (hopefully) land a big ring on your finger.

Sign up for a millionaire dating app.

If you want to streamline things, consider finding someone online. Try downloading a specific app to meet rich people, like Millionaire Match, Elite Singles, or Luxy. Or, you can use a standard dating app like Match or OkCupid, but with your sights set on someone who makes a lot of money. Most dating apps for rich people have a pretty extensive sign-up process, so be prepared to fill out a lot of information about yourself. Things like your hobbies, your education, and your professional background are all fair game.

Try your hand at rich-people hobbies.

Get good at golf, polo, or sailing. You don’t have to be an expert, but it helps if you have a baseline knowledge about a few of these activities. That way, if you get invited out for a date, you know a little bit about what you’re going to do. You don’t even actually have to participate in these activities if they aren’t your thing. Just look them up online so you know a little bit about them, then impress your date with your knowledge when the time comes.

Hang out at country clubs and fundraisers.

In order to meet rich people, you have to go where they are. Find your way into a country club, or get invited to an exclusive fundraiser. Get ready to network and chat with people all night—you never know when you might find that special someone. It helps if you live or work close to where rich people live. That way, you’re always hanging out in the area, and you have more chances to chat with people who make money.

Show off your sexy side.

Yes, it’s true—most millionaires want their partners to be good looking. In order to attract the rich person of your dreams, spend some time on your hair, your makeup (if you wear it), and your clothing. You’ll want to look and feel your best when you wave and smile at a rich person across the bar; otherwise, they might just move on to someone else. Set aside some money to put into your appearance before you try finding a millionaire. Get a new haircut, pamper yourself with a manicure, and go all out with a spa day to keep yourself looking fresh.

Stay on trend with the latest fashion.

Dress in a way that shows off your body, but isn’t overstated. You want to look like you just walked out of a fashion magazine (one of the cool, sophisticated ones). Spend some time searching the latest trends, and invest in a few pieces of clothing that make you look regal (but also hot). Marc Jacobs, Christian LouBoutin, and Dior are all classic brands that never go out of style. You can also find cheaper knockoffs at places like Zara or Banana Republic.

Emphasize how smart you are.

For a lot of millionaires, looks won’t be enough. Prove to your potential partner that you’re worthy of their time by getting an education. If you can swing it, try to get a college degree; if you can’t, educate yourself at home by reading lots of books and taking free classes online about subjects you’re interested in. If you can manage to get into an ivy league school, that’s a great way to meet people who are rich (or going to be rich). But if you can’t, don’t sweat it—you’ll have plenty of other opportunities.

Dedicate yourself to a cause.

Impress your partner by showing how much you care about a certain issue. Millionaires tend to be philanthropists, and often host fundraisers or donate to charities. You can connect with your millionaire by volunteering your time or donating money to an organization you really care about. If you’re an animal lover, try volunteering at your local animal shelter. If you’re involved in STEM, consider donating to a research lab.

Dabble in the art world.

Art is a very important commodity when it comes to the financial world. You don’t have to become an expert, but you should know your way around the most basic paintings and artists of the last century or so. That way, if you ever head to a gallery or gala with your millionaire date, you can impress them with the correct pronunciations of every artist in the room. Try to attend as many gallery openings as you possibly can. Not only is it a good way to expand your knowledge, but you’ll probably meet lots of wealthy people there.

Know your stuff when it comes to money.

Be able to contribute to conversations about stocks and interest rates. Again, this isn’t something you need to go out and get a degree in, but you should be able to hold your own if your millionaire date starts chatting about their latest financial endeavor. Do some light Googling or take a quick refresher course online to stay up to date with the money world. There are tons of YouTube videos you can watch online for free that will tell you all about the stock market and different investment opportunities.

Don’t bring up their wealth all the time.

The last thing you want to do is paint yourself as a gold digger. Even if you did set out to find a partner that could provide for you, don’t let them know that. Millionaires usually want somebody who is able to support themselves. Treat your partner like a real person, and get to know them on a deeper level. You have a much higher chance of actually marrying them if you pretend like they’re an Average Joe on the street. Make sure you have goals and aspirations in life that don’t revolve around marrying rich. Things like getting a good job or dedicating yourself to a cause don’t require money, and it will show your millionaire date that you aren’t just in it for their wealth.

Shower your partner with love.

If marriage is on your mind, show your millionaire that you care. Buy them little gifts, check in with them often, and give them shoulder rubs if they look stressed. Be a loving, caring partner to show them that you could just be the one they want to spend the rest of their life with. Make an effort to plan dates and take your millionaire out every once in a while, too. That way, it doesn’t seem like you’re relying on them (or their money) to make the relationship work.

Form good relationships with the kids.

There’s a good chance that your partner will already have children. Most millionaires have already been married, and a good chunk of them have some offspring running around, too. If you have the chance to meet their children, try to form good relationships with them—otherwise, marriage could be taken off the table. Letting your millionaire know that you want kids in the future is probably a good idea, too. A lot of millionaires want to make sure they have heirs to leave all their wealth to.

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