How to Apply Crepe Hair
How to Apply Crepe Hair
Sometimes actors have to change their appearance for a performance. This can be achieved by simply wearing a distinctive costume, or it can involve more complicated makeup effects. One effect that can seem intimidating is crepe hair — a bundle of dyed wool that can be cut and styled as needed for costuming. It has many uses ranging from something as simple as a mustache to a complicated look like a werewolf. It may appear to be difficult to apply, but it is much simpler than many people expect.

Selecting and Preparing the Crepe Hair

Choose your style of facial hair. Crepe hair can be the perfect addition to a character’s look, but it is important to know what shape of facial hair you want. The more popular styles are mustaches, sideburns, and beards. The application process can be applied to many styles, so don’t let these suggestions limit you. If you work better by having a visual, then you can print out a makeup chart from online, and map out where you'll put the crepe hair. This can be especially helpful if you are using it alongside other makeup effects.

Purchase crepe hair in the desired color and length. You can purchase crepe hair online with retailers like Amazon, or in person at costume stores. Crepe hair is available in a variety of colors and is often made from real wool. It comes in packages of tightly woven braids that will straighten out to three times the packaged length. Real hair is often a combination of colors. So if you want a hyper-realistic look, then think about blending a few different colors together.

Grab one end of the crepe hair and gently pull the braid apart. The crepe hair is braided together with several strands of twine. This motion will unravel the twine that is holding the braid together. You can discard all of the twine once you have the braid unraveled.

Cut the bundle of hair to an approximate desired length. Cutting the hair to a more manageable length will make styling the hair easier. If you want to use the entire length you purchased, then don’t worry about cutting it.

Fluff and separate the strands as desired for your character look. If you want a curly beard for your character look, then you need to separate and fluff the strands of the crepe hair before applying it to your face.

Straighten the hair by wetting and drying it 24 hours before application. If you need straight hair to complete your character look, then you can straighten it by submerging it in water for 30 seconds. The water will help uncurl the strands and straighten out. After submerging, lay the bundle out on a towel to dry. The crepe hair must be completely dry before applying it. Submerging the crepe hair in water is an effective, but time-consuming process. So if you are using this method to straighten the crepe hair, then do this at least one day before application.

Use an iron to stream press the hair if you need to straighten it quickly. Steam pressing the crepe hair in small sections will work out any unwanted curls or waves. Just make sure to only work on one section of the crepe hair at a time, otherwise, it may not straighten. You can also weigh down one end of the section on your ironing board and pull it until it is taught. This will make steaming and straightening it easier. Using a steam iron is the quickest way to straighten any length of crepe hair, but also the most tedious if you are not experienced using a steam iron.

Applying the Crepe Hair

Wash and dry your face. You will need a clean surface to apply the crepe hair to. Make sure that your skin is completely dry before applying it.

Put on stage makeup before applying the crepe hair. If you are planning to use any stage makeup, then apply the makeup and let it set. Once the makeup is set, you can then begin to apply the crepe hair.

Separate the hair into small sections, no wider than 1 inch (2.5 cm). Working with small sections will give you more control when adhering the crepe hair, and give you a more natural look.

Begin application at the bottom of your face and work your way upward. When you are applying the crepe hair, you will generally start from the lower portions of your face and work your way up. For hair around the chin, start applying the crepe hair in a line underneath your chin and then work in thin layers up from that point. For a moustache, layer short tufts of crepe hair on your upper lip. These tufts should be added in thin layers that work upwards towards your nose. To create a beard, start with a line of crepe hair that stretches from ear to ear, going across your neck, and work upwards in thin layers from that point. For sideburns, begin the first layer of crepe hair horizontally along your jaw, and then work in thin layers upwards along the side of your face towards your natural hairline. Then repeat this for the other side of your face, and try your best to make the sides as even as possible.

Use a small brush to apply spirit gum or liquid latex to your skin. Try and apply the adhesive in small sections — working from the bottom of your look, upwards. You don’t want to cover large portions of skin with the liquid adhesive because it might dry or adhere unwanted portions of crepe hair. Be careful to not put the liquid latex or spirit gum close to your eyes. If you need to apply crepe hair near the area around your eyes, then use an eyelash adhesive instead. If you are using spirit gum, you may need to increase its tackiness. After brushing the spirit gum onto your skin, use your finger to gently tap the area where you applied it.

Press the prepared section of crepe hair into the applied adhesive. Not every strand will stick to the adhesive, so do your best to remove ones that are not sticking.

Repeat the application process until the desired area of skin is covered. To achieve a more realistic look, apply the crepe hair in thin layers, and build upwards on your face. If the crepe hair will be on your face, think about your natural bone structure beneath your face and use it as a guide for the hair placement. This will create a realistic structure of hair growth. If the crepe hair is going on areas other than your face, then it is not as vital to think about bone structure, rather than using your visual judgement for what placement looks most natural.

Use scissors to trim the applied crepe hair as desired. Now that you have applied all of the crepe hair, it might seem overly bushy or longer than you intended. You can use scissors to trim the crepe hair into the style you envisioned. If you notice any unwanted bald spots or patches, fill the spots in and then trim if necessary.

Removing the Crepe Hair

Pull off as much of the crepe hair as you can without hurting yourself. You want your skin as exposed as possible to remove the adhesive. If you are unable to get any of the crepe hair off, then trim it down with a pair of scissors.

Peel off the liquid latex with your fingers. Liquid latex adheres to your skin like a layer of paint, and it can easily be pulled off. Work from any raised edges that may have occurred from pulling off the crepe hair, or use your fingernail to lift the outermost edges of the liquid latex. Just know that if you have any small hairs underneath the latex, it will most likely pull those out.

Dissolve the spirit gum using spirit gum remover. Spirit gum cannot be pulled off your skin; it needs to be dissolved. Pour the remover onto cotton balls or a soft cloth, and then wipe away at the spirit gum until it dissolves and the remaining crepe hair has fallen off. You may need to soak the cotton balls or cloth a few times with the remover to get all of the spirit gum completely dissolved. An alternative to spirit gum remover is rubbing alcohol, but the remover will dissolve the spirit gum faster.

Wash your face with soap and warm water. Your skin might be a little red or irritated from the adhesive and the remover. Clean your pores thoroughly with soap to remove any remaining residue.

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