Best Alternative Ways to Say Rest in Peace
Rest in peace can feel insincere, so use other phrases to console others. Finding the right words to say can feel difficult in emotional moments like loss. Sometimes, saying rest in peace can feel insincere and leave you at a crossroads of figuring out how to grieve the loss. There are other unique ways to say rest in peace, though, including: Rest easy, I’ll see you in the next life. Rest now, brother. The long night has finally passed and you deserve to shine with the Sun. Rest easy on the wings of eternity. Your quest has come to an end. Now, enjoy the riches of eternity. Rest easy, my friend. The long day is done. You worked hard to make this world a better place. Enjoy your well-deserved rest. Rest easy, my friend. We’ll continue along, making sure to keep you close in our hearts. May you rest easy in grace and love May you rest easy while your spirit shines on us. May you rest easy knowing the impact you left on this world. May you rest easy knowing how many of our lives you illuminated. She knew so much love in this life, may she continue to rest easy. As you did for me in life, I wish you nothing but love and eternal riches in death. Rest easy in my heart, my friend. He gave so much of himself in life, he will be rewarded handsomely in death. For his contributions to the world, we are eternally indebted to his spirit. To know love is to know loss, and you’ve helped introduce me to both. I can do nothing more but express my thanks to your spirit. Sleep well. When you awake again, I’ll be right there with you. Your memory will forever live within me. May your spirit soar even while you rest in paradise. When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure. I feel your presence even when you’re gone. You will be missed so much. You were the light of my life. The most amazing person I’ve had the pleasure of meeting. You will be missed more than words can say. May you dance with the fairies, fly with the dragonflies, and shine with the moon. I keep waking up wishing you were next to me. Wherever you are, I can only hope that you’re resting in peace.
Religious Alternatives to Saying Rest in Peace
Religious condolences can help keep your faith during hard times. It’s hard to keep faith during hard times, especially moments of grief. While you can lean into your faith and pray for guidance, it’s easy to feel like God isn’t answering you during one of the hardest times of your life. To uphold your faith during loss or help your loved ones uphold theirs, use these messages: “Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death.” - Isaiah 57:2 “You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance.” - Daniel 12:13 If my tears were a stairway and memories were a lane, I’d speed my way to Heaven just to bring you back again. Rest in the eternal armor that is God’s love. Rest in Christ’s love! May the angels lift you up to your spot in Heaven. Rest in paradise while you ride on the wings of the angels. Although your time on Earth is up, God’s call home will bring a new level of joy and peace. Rest in paradise and cherish the presence of God. May our heavenly host guide you to your eternal peace. I hope that the Lord grants you sweet slumber. May your eternal rest be assisted by the hands of God and his angels. May Allah’s guiding light bring you to eternal salvation. As you cross into the next plane, may Allah bless you for how you lived your life. For how he lived his life, I know Allah will reward him handsomely in death. May the Gods grant him a place on their highest mountain for his efforts in the land of the living. May he rest peacefully knowing that he’s finally made it into God’s kingdom. She’s finally arrived at Heaven’s gates and gets to enjoy God’s glory. Although my heart is sad, my soul rejoices for her.
Non-Religious Alternatives to Saying Rest in Peace
Although religion can bring comfort to some, not everyone is religious. If you aren't sure how your departed loved one felt about religion, or you're supporting someone who isn't religious, it might be better to go with a more universal message. If you’re looking for non-religious alternatives to rest in peace, try: I’m sorry you all are experiencing a loss as deep as this. May your loved one rest easy. He was the kindest person I’ve ever met. I hope that kindness is returned in death. Rest and be with nature, my love. I’ll think of you whenever the birds chirp. I’m going to miss you, my dear friend. May the wind’s whistle serve as a reminder to the grace you exuded in life. I will see and hear your voice in every storm. Even though the winds will be loud, I know you will only hear quiet, blissful peace. The race you ran has finally come to a close. Now, you can unlace your shoes and rest. May your eternal sleep be coated in peace and covered by the blanket of our love. May you be showered with tranquility in your time of peace. Sleep in peace, my friend. I will forever keep you close in my heart. I wish you peace and love as you mourn your loss. I will stand by your side to hold you up when you can no longer do it yourself. I will continue to hold you close in my heart. When my time comes, I pray that I shine half as bright as you. May you soar with the birds and continue watching over us. As the birds migrate, I know your soul will be flying with them. The beauty of nature eagerly awaits the arrival of someone as cherished as you. In the moments where the tunnel feels dark, I know you’ll lighten my path from the other side.
Ways to Say Rest in Peace to Your Spouse
Highlight the deep bond you had with your spouse with these messages. Seeing the love of your life on their deathbed can fundamentally change you. And while everyone’s time has to come someday, losing your spouse is always one of the hardest losses. Use these messages to honor their memory: My husband, we agreed on ‘till death do us part. Now that you’re gone, the last thing I want to do is part ways. I loved my wife more than life itself. May her soul continue to be nourished on the other side. You were my life partner, now I have to do life without you. Everyday, I will continue to honor your memory. Enjoy your eternal rest, my love. One day, I’ll be beside you again. Until then, may my love never waver. I’ll see you again my dear. Until that day comes, I’ll never stop loving you, You made everyday feel like a dream, and in the wake of your loss I see nothing but a nightmare. As the days go by, I know it will get easier, but I still look forward to when we can wake up beside each other again.
Rest in Peace Messages for Family Members
Use these messages to honor the loss of a family member. Losing a family member is one of the hardest losses to endure, especially if you were close to that family member. Use these messages to show your family support and express your love for any lost family members: For a Grandparent Rest in paradise, my lovely Grandmother. I hope your love and wisdom guides us through eternity. Your love served as an anchor, Grandma. Now, your memory serves as a boatload of wisdom. Still, I’d give anything to have you back here with us. We’ll all miss you, Grandpa. As you make your way to the other side, we’ll hold our memories of you close to our hearts. Grandpa, the way you carried yourself in life will continue to inspire us as we make our way towards you. For a Parent Mother, I wish it didn’t have to be you. Although you always taught us to remain strong in times of crisis, it’s hard when you’re not here with us. I’ll always love you. Mom, you taught me grace. I hope to grow into a woman like you, I just wish you were here to see it. Mother, may you rest peacefully, protected by the love we all feel for you. Dad, there are many lessons you taught me. I wish you were still here to continue teaching me. But now it’s time for you to shine in your eternal wisdom. Father, your endless wisdom has carried me through life. Now, my endless love shall carry you through death. For a Sibling I hope my sister enjoys the beauty of paradise. We’ll all miss her with our entire hearts. My sister, you were nothing short of a treasure. May your inner riches continue to shine over us. My lovely brother, continue to move with peace, love and grace in death as you did in life. I can only hope my brother enjoys the serenity of paradise. His light will continue to brighten our paths as we make our way towards him. For a Child Sleep soundly my dear child. I look forward to the day I’ll be able to tuck you in again. My child, your time on Earth may have been short, but I know your salvation will be eternal. My son, I wish I could have taken your place so you could enjoy the blessings of this world for a little while longer. But I know your blessings are now everlasting. My daughter, the joy you brought to my life held me up. Now, the only thing holding me up is knowing that when my time comes, I’ll be able to receive your joy once more. For an Aunt May my aunt rest easy knowing how much love our family holds for her. Auntie, you held me down when no one else could. Your everlasting loyalty will serve as a beacon for salvation now that you’re gone. For an Uncle Enjoy the sound of sleep, my dear uncle. You deserve to rest as a reward for a life of hard work. You showed me the value of hard work and determination, unc. For your lessons, I pray that death rewards you with riches beyond your wildest dreams. EXPERT TIP Joseph Phillips Joseph Phillips Clinical Therapist, MSW Joseph Phillips, MSW is a Clinical Therapist and Social Worker at Transformative Growth Counseling, which is based in Illinois and Florida. He specializes in relationship and attachment therapy and treats anxiety, depression, trauma, and substance use. He earned a Master of Social Work from Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana, and he completed his clinical internship with Transformative Growth Counseling. Joseph is also certified in disaster and collective trauma counseling. Joseph Phillips Joseph Phillips Clinical Therapist, MSW A condolence letter can help make the grieving process easier. When writing a condolence letter, express your remorse for the person you’re writing to and let them know that you’re there to support them wherever they need it.
Rest in Peace Messages for Friends
Friends uphold you in life, so use these messages to honor them in death. Friends help you stay connected, make you feel like you belong, and help cope through the tough times life throws at you. Losing a friend can be one of the toughest losses you face in your life. To make things a bit easier, express your condolences with these messages: May John rest in power. He brought so much joy to our lives, and we will forever honor his memory. I’m going to miss you, Jim. You changed so many of our lives for the better. I’ll always treasure your memory. May you rest easy. Your jolly spirit brought us joy, and I pray that joy carries you through the afterlife. Don’t worry Stan, you may be gone but we’ll never forget you. May you rest in power and find eternal peace. Rest easy. Your soul will forever be a light in our lives. You will be missed by all of us. I pray that your spirit finds eternal rest on the other side. You were the glue that held our group together. I hope we can be as half as strong as you were when you were here with us. Rest easy, my friend. You’ll always be by my side as long as you’re here in my heart. My friend, our adventures in life brought me nothing but joy. I know that our adventures in death will bring us nothing but bliss and serenity. You were my best friend, so naturally I’m lost without you. I look forward to the day that I find you again.
Ways to Express Your Condolences for Mentors
Express how much your mentor inspired you using these heartfelt words. Your mentor likely helped shape your career. You guys may have shared lunch or kept up with each other’s careers and personal lives. So, hearing news of their passing can be extremely jarring, especially if they were someone who you grew to love as a person, not just a mentor. To help express your condolences, use these messages: May Ben rest in paradise, love, and power. His strong, helpful spirit will always be remembered. May she rest easy in grace, love, and care and shine her wisdom down on us all. As we celebrate Shawn and remember his life, we hope and pray that his soul enjoys peace in his eternal slumber. May the wisdom he carried in his life assist him in the next world. Your wisdom helped me shine in my life, I can only hope it helps you shine in your next one. Kim, you helped me navigate this strange thing called life. I just know your spirit will shine like a lighthouse and guide us all from the other side. You taught us so much in life. Your body may be gone, but the wisdom you imparted will carry your memory through eternity. You taught me what it means to be determined, and I will use that determination to forever honor your memory. You worked so hard to ensure I was prepared for what the world threw at me. Rest easy, as you don’t have to work anymore. I will take the lessons you taught me and impart them to my kin, ensuring your memory is everlasting.
Famous Quotes to Help You Say Rest in Peace
There are many famous quotes that can offer comfort in trying times. Grief is hard, and sometimes it can feel impossible, but it can also help us learn how to be in a world without our loved one. As you navigate through the well of grief (or help your loved ones navigate it), consider using one of these beautiful quotes: “A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies. It brings us together again and again.” - Maya Angelou “Love is how often you stay alive, even after you are gone.” - Mitch Albom “There are no goodbyes. Wherever you’ll be, you’ll be in my heart.” - Mahatma Gandhi “What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” - Helen Keller “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” - Dr. Seuss “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” - Winnie the Pooh “After all, to a well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.” - Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone “Death is not extinguishing the light; it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come.” - Rabindranath Tagore “May tender memories soften your grief. May fond recollection bring you relief. And may you find comfort and peace in the thought of the joy that knowing your loved one brought.” - Helen Steiner Rice “What is lovely never dies, but passes into other loveliness.” - Thomas Bailey Aldrich “Keep the door to her life open.” - Edith Fogg Hickman “Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.” - William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar “The two hardest things to say in life are hello for the first time and goodbye for the last time.” - Moira Rogers “Only in the agony of parting do we look into the depths of love.” - George Eliot “Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with their heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.” - Rumi “When you were born, you cried, and the world rejoiced. Live your life in a manner so that when you die the world cries, and you rejoice.” - Native American Proverb “People you love never die…Not completely. They live in your mind the way they always lived inside you. You keep their light alive.” - Matt Haig, How to Stop Time “The mightiest power of death is not that it can make people die, but that it can make the people you left behind want to stop living.” - Fredrik Backman, My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry “The sorrow we feel when we lose a loved one is the price we pay to have had them in our lives.” - Rob Liano “Death is something inevitable. When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace.” - Nelson Mandela
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