This 7-year-old Claims He Is Reborn After Dying In 9/11 Terrorist Attack
This 7-year-old Claims He Is Reborn After Dying In 9/11 Terrorist Attack
The little one said that we worked in a tall building from where he could see the Statue of Liberty.

During the early hours of September 11, 2001, the Pentagon and World Trade Centre witnessed the worst act of terrorism in the history of the USA. Three planes crashed into the three buildings, one after the other, claiming the lives of almost 3,000 people. Decades after that event, a strange event occurred, when a three-year-old boy named Cade claimed that he remembers dying. The little one said that we worked in a tall building from where he could see the Statue of Liberty. Yes, take your time to picture that. As per a report, Cade’s parents, Molly and Rick, noticed that there was something extraordinary about him from the moment he was born. When Cade was two-and-a-half months old, he was trying to walk. By the age of two, Cade started using very intricate, intelligent words and he could also hold conversations with adults, as per his mother.

While speaking at a programme, Molly recalled, “I would be in bed and Cade would just start crying in the middle of the night and he would wake up screaming about working in a tall building and he could see the Statue of Liberty from his office”.

At the age of three, the little one told Molly that he dreamt that he was falling with the building like the way he died.

Elaborating further, Molly said, “It’s surreal to have a three-year-old talking about New York and talking about death. Honestly, I started to think …could he have been in the World Trade Center? But there was a huge part of me that said wait a minute, that can’t be.”

Cade’s dad, Rick, on the other hand, added, “We didn’t show him anything, there’s no way he could have known about it. It was before school. It was before pre-school.”

Cade told the programme makers, “I was in a building that was hit by something, it exploded and that I had fallen. The plane hit the World Trade Center then it got stuck in the building. When I was falling, I was still alive and then all the rubble hit me. I didn’t feel anything because I died.”

Molly and Rick expressed that their priority was to help their son be comfortable in his Cade body, admitting they wouldn’t trade him in for anything in the world. “As a mother, I am feeling very helpless. I can’t make this memory go away. I don’t know how to fix this. I need him to learn to be Cade, to learn to be a kid again, learn to laugh and I think we’re going to get there, I do,” Molly concluded.

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