It is true that weight loss doesn’t happen just by doing some extra cardio and turning down dessert. It takes a lot to cut down on those extra calories and most importantly, the determination to stay focused on a fixed schedule while embarking on a weight-loss journey. One such inspiring weight-loss story belongs to Dhruv Agarwala, the CEO of the popular real estate platform Housing.com. As shared by the Singapore-based businessman, it started with an episode of heartburn in 2021 and a subsequent visit to the emergency room in a hospital that prompted him to lose 71 kg of body weight in just two years.
By making a complete change in his lifestyle including exercise and food habits, Agarwala managed to go from 152 kg to 81 kg.
In a conversation with the South China Morning Post (SCMP), Dhruv Agarwala recalled the time when he had a health crisis in 2021 and said, “My heart was racing; I had palpitations. I felt I was going to die.”
He further recounted delaying plans to lose weight, which made him end up in the hospital emergency room. “I remember that moment clearly, lying in the hospital bed when I resolved to take charge of my health,” Dhruv said.
Standing at his heaviest weight of 151.7 kg, Agarwala also revealed being pre-diabetic, having sleep apnea, and being on medications for high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Following a strict routine for a total of three, he managed to lose around 71.1 kg and achieve his goal weight of 80.6 kg by February 2023.
Opening up about his weight-loss journey, the Housing.com CEO said that he undertook strength-training sessions three times a week with a personal trainer in Singapore and that he used to complete 12,000 steps a day, going up from 10,000. Roger Federer’s physique inspired him.
Besides the rigorous workouts, Agarwala also worked on his diet and cut his daily calorie intake to 1,700 calories by eliminating high-carb foods such as samosas, dosas, and cheese toasts from his diet, cutting down on alcohol, processed foods, and fried foods completely, and ensuring he ate protein in every meal.
He relied on healthy snacks such as nuts, carrots, cucumbers and yoghurt to control his hunger.
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