Relays are discrete devices (as opposed to integrated circuits) that are used to allow a low power logic signal to control a much higher power circuit. The relay isolates the high power circuit, helping to protect the lower power circuit by providing a sm...
Manchester United have a seven-point lead over second-place Arsenal.
It is easy to make a pirate hat out of newspaper or regular paper. There are only a few steps to making the hat, which can be a fun activity for you to do. This can make a great costume hat for playing "pirate". You can even color it or decorate it! Small...
California-based Tri Valley University has been shut down on charges of massive visa fraud.
No matter how careful you are around your leather furniture, it’s very common for leather furniture to get scratches due to normal use. This is especially the case if you live in a household with pets or small children: it’s nearly impossible to keep leat...
Improving your lifestyle can seem like an impossibly lofty goal. Changing everything about your life all at once is probably not realistic, but there are lots of small changes you can make to improve your physical, emotional, and mental well-being, and to...
Karnataka CM B S Yeddyurappa, facing land scam charges involving his family, claimed support of 110-120 MLAs.
A phone call to Infosys Technologies, Bangalore that a bomb was planted in the premises turned out to be a hoax after a seven-hour search by police after creating some panic waves.
School days mean homework, studying, exams, and social interactions — not to mention getting up early every morning. It’s understandable if you don’t always feel your happiest going to school during the week, but it’s also something you can totally improv...
Police are hunting the hacker who may have set up shop in New Zealand
Facebook and its fan page module can be used to increase sales of a company.
This is an article about how to factorize a 3rd degree polynomial. We will explore how to factor using grouping as well as using the factors of the free term.
Seemingly, anybody can make money by mowing lawns regardless of age, gender, or economic status. Lawn care in general, however, has become a very competitive industry and it is harder to start out on your own. A good advertising plan, a small investment,...
Randhawa won with a comfortable 2-shot margin over Rhys Davies of Wales.
The team left last week for the US after Singh refused to come to India.