Safety on campus and better hostel facilities were among the key issues raised by the candidates of various students' organisations. The issues also found their place in traditional JNU graffitis and handmade posters.
Since 1965, any Israeli household with a television set is obligated to pay an annual television tax, which helped fund the IBA. Today, the tax stands at NIS 345 (USD 90) per year.
Zia is accused of embezzling $650,000 in two corruption cases involving charitable funds during her last term as prime minister, from 2001 to 2006.
Khloe Kardashian took to photo-sharing site Instagram to share a picture of her toned abs.
An astrologer who advised some of the candidates said leaders will hardly be seen after 12 noon as post that Rahu Kaal will begin which is considered inauspicious.
"It shows that violence works," the newspaper stated in its editorial on Friday.
Christmas and New Year season seems to have spelled magic for Aamir Khan's latest release 'PK' as the movie is doing phenomenally well not only in India but in the international market too.
"We will continue to be persistent in this regard and we will strike Daesh at every possible opportunity," Kirby said.
Joaquin Phoenix makes a fist and raps it three times on the arm of a chair.
Mumbai was followed by Chennai with 9,705 and Delhi with 7,566 accidents.
A strong leadership is most highly in demand among people from the lower stratum of life.
Insurance companies may take a hit of Rs 2,400 crore due to Cyclone Hudhud which recently battered Andhra Pradesh and Odisha coasts.
The much-awaited iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are now available in India at a starting price of Rs 53,500.
You have probably heard horror stories about hackers hacking webcams and then posting the embarrassing videos online, and you have probably heard that hackers can even watch you through the webcam without turning on the indicator light.[1] X Research s...