Man Who Donated Rs 201 to Help Stranger's Mother Gets it Back after 1.5 Years With Sweet Message
Man Who Donated Rs 201 to Help Stranger's Mother Gets it Back after 1.5 Years With Sweet Message
He had donated money to help the stranger's ailing mother. Kamal had also sent a message along with the money that read, 'This is a small help from my side. Take care of your mother.'

A man was surprised when he received Rs 201 from a “random person” one day. Kamal Singh shared his story in a heartwarming post on LinkedIn. “Today I got surprised when I received 201 rupees with a random person on phone pay,” he wrote. When he received the amount he was surprised on opening the chat of the sender and realised that he had transferred money to the man a year and a half ago. “On opening chat I saw I transferred money to this guy 1.5 years back as a small help after reading his crowd funding request on some social media platform,” Kamal wrote.

He had donated money to help the stranger’s ailing mother. Kamal had also sent a message along with the money that read, “This is a small help from my side. Take care of your mother.”

When he received the money back, Kamal texted the man and asked about his mother’s health. In response, the man said, “She is good my business is also going nice… So I am returning all the money that I taken from everyone at that time, thanks (sic).”

Kamal was surprised by his honesty. “In a world of money-minded people I’m surprised by his honesty,” he penned in his post.

The internet is moved by the gesture of the man. One of the users commented, “Really a nice post to let people know that all of these crowd funding’s are not fake… maybe some people may take advantage but most people are needy ones (sic).”

Another person said, “It is heartening to know that Humanity and values still survive!”

One more user said, “No one has ever become poor by giving. When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed. Kudos to both of you for keeping humanity alive.”

While many hailed the man’s actions, there were a few who questioned the authenticity of the post. Kamal in the edited section of the post mentioned that he is not an influencer and has shared the incident as it melted his heart. He also added that he wanted to spread positivity.

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