ITBP Raising Day 2023: The 62nd Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) Raising Day will be observed on October 24, 2023, in honour of the services and achievements of troops, who guard the frontiers of India from Kashmir to Arunachal Pradesh. This celebratory day is of paramount importance to the nation’s defence forces.
ITBP Raising Day History
The history of ITBP Raising Day goes back to the Indo-China war in the high-altitude Himalayan region with freezing conditions. These climatic conditions, coupled with the numerical superiority of the Chinese army, ensured India ended up on the losing side. As a response, a specialised security force, the ITBP, was constituted. This force since then has guarded the border at high altitudes.
There are around 85,000 personnel in ITBP, comprising several battalions specially trained for the first line of defence. ITBP Raising Day helps commemorate the valour and sacrifice of these policemen. ITBP has consistently built up its manpower and modernised its resources to improve its defence on the frontier.
ITBP Raising Day 2023 Awards
At the ITBP Raising Day ceremony, the awards include the Best ANO (Associate NCC Officer) Battalion Trophy, the Best Non-Border Battalion Trophy, the Best Border Battalion Trophy, the Swachhta Trophy for exceptional cleanliness and sanitation efforts, and the Best Training Centre Trophy. In addition, the coveted Director General’s Banner for Best Border Battalion will be presented during this commemorative event.
ITBP Raising Day Significance
On this day, dignitaries visit the ITBP forward posts where a grand parade is arranged to pay respect to those who sacrificed their lives defending the country. Besides that, the women contingents, ski units, mounted columns, paratroopers, mountaineering teams, and dog squads demonstrate their abilities and dedication to protect the borders.
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