Support from transgender community 'galvanised' Eddie Redmayne
Support from transgender community 'galvanised' Eddie Redmayne
The 33-year-old 'The Theory of Everything' star termed meeting people of all ages from the transgender community a
learning experience.

Los Angeles: Oscar-winning actor Eddie Redmayne, who is playing the role one of the first known

recipients of gender reassignment surgery in 'The Danish Girl', said the support he got from the community motivated him.

The 33-year-old 'The Theory of Everything' star termed meeting people of all ages from the transgender community a

learning experience, reported Deadline.

"It was the most brilliant education. Their kindness and support galvanised me," he said. Based on the 2000 novel of the same name by David Ebershoff, 'The Danish Girl' also stars Alicia Vikander, Matthias Schoenaerts, Ben Whishaw and Amber Heard.

The film that got a standing ovation of nearly 10-minute after its premiere at the 72nd Venice Film Festival, Italy, will hit limited theatres in the US starting November 27.

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