It looks like actress Rhea Chakraborty has found love again following the tragic death of her boyfriend Sushant Singh Rajput. Recently, Rhea, who had been rumoured to be dating Zerodha founder and youngest billionaire Nikhil Kamath, was spotted in Mumbai’s Bandra area riding pillion with him on a bike. Rhea was dressed in a crop top, denim jeans and a cropped denim jacket, while Nikhil wore relaxed casuals, including black shorts and a black bomber jacket. Both wore black masks in an attempt to avoid paparazzi, but they were quickly recognised. Despite being spotted, the rumoured couple seemed to remain calm and did not react to being filmed.
Earlier, Manushi Chhillar, crowned Miss World in 2017, was dating the businessman. They were together since 2021. But, the duo broke off in 2021 and Kamath has found love in Rhea Chakraborty. Manushi, meanwhile, is dating Veer Pahariya.
Back in October 2023, Rhea was spotted arriving at a party with Nikhil, sending fans into a tizzy. She sat in the rear seat of the car, while Nikhil took the passenger seat. With a net worth over Rs 9000 crore, Nikhil Kamath is one of India’s youngest billionaires. He tied the knot with Amanda Puravankara in 2019, but their marriage encountered challenges. Eventually, in 2021, they decided to file for divorce, bringing their relationship to an end.
In May this year, Rhea Chakraborty shared a cryptic post on Instagram ahead of Sushant Singh Rajput’s death anniversary. Rhea, who was dating Sushant before he died in June 2020, took to her social media platform and hinted at a new beginning. Rhea shared photos from what seems to be a recent trip. Sharing the photo, Rhea wrote, “#chapter2.” Rhea also dropped a new YouTube podcast titled Chapter2 too. The first guest on the show was Sushmita Sen.
Rhea has been focused on moving forward after Sushant’s death and the events that followed. She faced allegations of abetting Sushant’s suicide and was arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in a drug-related case linked to the actor’s death. Rhea spent 28 days as an undertrial in Byculla jail before being granted bail.
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