After winning hearts with her stint in the reality show, Bigg Boss 15 Tejasswi Prakash is on a roll as she continues to do the same with her latest offering, Ekta Kapoor’s Naagin 6. The show, which also stars Simmba Nagpal and Mahekk Chahal, is making noise on the internet, and we must say, for all the right reasons. Twitter users have reviewed the show, and it looks like it is already a hit. When the show and its concept were introduced, fans were doubtful about the bizarre storyline and above all the chemistry between the lead pair, Tejasswi and Simmba. But looks like people have been forced to change their opinion as the duo are nailing their on-screen chemistry.
Fans are simply loving Tejasswi as Pratha and Simmba as Rishabh and have made it loud clear that they won’t take any criticism on their chemistry. With just the first episode out and only within a couple of moments, fans have termed them “amazing jodi.”
I still remember having girl crush on diya and her kamar❤ #TejasswiPrakash #naagin6— (@factsandtroll) February 14, 2022
Shut up !!! SIMBA NAGPAL is perfect as Rishab Gurjal …#TejaTroops #TejasswiPrakash #Naagin6 #SimbaNagpal #PraRish— Raina Dheer (@RainaDheer) February 13, 2022
“Please I want hate to love the story of PraRish, the small scenes of them is giving me chills,” wrote a fan, while another said that the duo “looks beautiful.”
Look at their eyes man That scenes are giving me chills I think after #behir,#PraRish is gonna be my most favourite couple in Naagin franchise #SimbaNagpal #TejasswiPrakash #Naagin6— Sanz_Tejasswian (@RootingForAngel) February 14, 2022
Tejasswi and Simmba were a part of Bigg Boss 15, while Simmba was evicted during one of the weekend ka vaars, Tejasswi emerged as the winner of the show.
Netizens mentioned that they did not expect Tejasswi and Simmba would prove to be such a great pairing. “They are making such amazing pair guys. I didn't expect that! The charisma they both have is so much appreciable,” a tweet read.
Not even lying but gosh they're making such amazing pair guys I didn't expect that! The charishma they both have is so much appreciable!! Can't really wait for the next episode! ❤️ #Pratha #TejasswiPrakash#PraRish #SimbaNagpal#Naagin6— (@Tejasswian__) February 13, 2022
Apart from their chemistry, fans cannot stop but praise Tejasswi for her spectacular acting chops. Sharing glimpses of Teja from the first episode, a fan wrote, “I loved Teja’s acting and she looked so beautiful! Her beauty and natural acting lit up the screen each time she came.”
Teju's Acting Is So Pure In #Naagin6 ❤❤— Gossip TV (@ItsGossipTv1) February 12, 2022
The episode is superb !! Mindblowing Best !!#TejasswiPrakash Gives #MouniRoy Vibes ❤#mahekchahal the bestest#SimbaNagpal Amazing #naagin6— Naagin_Blockbuster (@NaaginBlockbus1) February 12, 2022
Teju expression & her dialogue on the point, Her eyes speak a lot, without a words dts her supremacy, She living Pratha dts it ❤#TejasswiPrakash #Naagin6 #Pratha #TejaTroops— Usha Thapa (@UshaTha46036917) February 14, 2022
The first episode aired on February 13, and Valentine’s Day has kickstarted with the Internet on fire as fans cannot have enough of Tejasswi and Simmba in Naggin 6.
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