NHRC Sets Up 7-member Panel to Probe Complaints of Post-poll Violence in West Bengal
NHRC Sets Up 7-member Panel to Probe Complaints of Post-poll Violence in West Bengal
The committee will examine all cases of post-poll violence in West Bengal, complaints for which have already been received by the commission.

National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) Chairperson Justice (retired) Arun Mishra on Monday constituted a committee to enquire into the complaints of post-poll violence in West Bengal, in accordance with the orders of the Calcutta High Court. The panel is headed by NHRC member Rajiv Jain.

The seven-member committee will examine all cases of post-poll violence in West Bengal, complaints for which have already been received by the commission. The panel is scheduled to start its probe immediately.

It will also examine the complaints, which have been received by the West Bengal State Legal Services Authority.

The committee members will also visit the affected areas, following which it will submit a comprehensive report to the Calcutta HC. It will also undertake steps to ensure confidence of the people.

The panel will further point out the persons, prima-facie, responsible for crime and the officers, who maintained calculated silence on the issue.

The high court had last week urged the chairperson of the NHRC to examine allegations of post-poll violence in Bengal. It had also pulled up the state police for “inaction against violence and failure to register complaints”.

The HC had observed that violence was not limited to one place or constituency. “Cases of threat to life and property of the residents of the state should be taken seriously,” the court had said, adding that Bengal cannot be allowed to proceed in the manner it likes.

“Despite the court’s directive no action or concrete steps have been taken by the state. It is the duty of the state to maintain law and order and inspire confidence in the residents,” a five-judge bench, led by acting Chief Justice Rajesh Bindal, had said.

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