Why models have the hottest bods!
Why models have the hottest bods!
Models give you the skinny on their diet and workouts.

Celebrities and their stunningly toned bodies have been the envy of many. Here's how a few of your favourite celebs stay in shape. Remember: your diet and workout needs to suit you. So, consult with you trainer and narrow down on a plan that works well for you.


"Pilates is excellent for the abs and there is no chance of injury," says model Waluscha Robinson.

I train with my personal trainer, Yasmin Karachiwalla. I do a combination of aerobics, weight training and Pilates. I do weight training thrice a week and aerobic and Pilates once a week. The best part about Pilates is that it is excellent for the abs and there is no chance of any injury.


I have five small meals a day that include a lot of proteins. I keep the carbohydrates for the weekends. It's breakfast at 9 am and a small snack at 11:00 am (which could consist of an egg). I have lunch at 2 pm, an evening snack at around 5 pm and then dinner by 7.30 pm. I eat a lot of white meat, salads (that I buy from Yasmin my trainer), fruits and drink plenty of green tea. I munch on nuts to keep my energy levels up.


"Kick-boxing and salsa do it for me," says actress and dancer Masumeh Makhija.

My basic workouts involve dancing. I am a trained Kathak and belly dancer. I do a combination of kick-boxing and dancing (either belly dancing or salsa) everyday. It is important to remember that trained dancers need a lot of body strength and I include stretches and cardio before I begin dancing. I usually dance at my teacher's place or with my personal trainer. Dancing strengthens my body and kick-boxing makes me agile.


I include a lot pf proteins and carbohydrates in my diet to keep my energy levels up. I eat a lot of tofu, fish, chicken, soups, vegetables (the rawer they are, the better) and fruits.


I try and stay away from red meat completely.

I also munch on nuts if I need that extra bit of energy and yes I have lots of water through the day.


"I eat anything and everything," says actor and television host, Suchitra Pillai.

I did yoga for a bit last year. I used to gym three years ago with a personal trainer. My trainer used to concentrate on using your own body weight like doing push-ups with my arms. Besides this, I did the usual cardio, stretches and used dumbbells as well. We used to work out four times a week. Now however, I do not have an exercise regimen that I stick to simply because I am lazy.


I eat anything and everything. I believe that your body tells you what is acceptable and what is not and so far mine tells me that everything is acceptable. I do eat a lot of vegetables and fruits and drink plenty of water too. But no particular diet that I follow.


"The only exercise I do is weights," says model, Tupur Chatterjee

I have just started going to the gym. I go there three to four times a week. The only exercise I do is weights. I alternate between light and heavy weights.


I eat everything because I have fast metabolism. However I make sure that I eat every two hours.


The size of my meal depends on how hungry I really am. I am told that when we eat every two hours, the body takes in what it needs and throws the rest out.

So even if it means me eating a packet of biscuits, I do.


"I am totally against diets," says model Anchal Kumar.

I have a high metabolism and a narrow frame, so I am lucky in a way. I have no fixed routine but I do try to go to the gym at least twice a week. I do light weights and heavy weights and exercise my upper and lower body. I workout with my trainers in the gym.


I am totally against diets. I eat five-six small meals a day. I eat my first meal a little after I wake up and then have three to four hour intervals between meals. I am a non-vegetarian and get my proteins from chicken and eggs. I make sure that I have a balance of carbohydrates as well. Even when I eat out, I make sure that I eat how much my body can take. So yes, I eat everything but don't overdo it.


"I stay away from fried food completely," says model and actor, Aditi Govitrikar.


I am not someone who works out religiously, simply because I do not need to. Whenever I feel like I've put on weight I do yoga, cardio, use the treadmill, spinning and walking. I stay away from weights completely simply because I am irregular with my workouts and you put on weight if you stop.


I am a vegetarian, so I eat all the vegetables. I include a lot of salads and fruits daily. And yes, lots of water is an absolute essential. I stay away from fried food completely.


"I am a complete gym freak," says theatre actor Divya Palat.

My fitness regime includes gymming and more gymming. I am a complete gym freak. I prefer cardio as it helps me in water reduction and tones my body.

I also try and get in between five to seven kms on the treadmill daily. And yes, walking my dog is an exercise that I particularly enjoy.

Infact I love exercising so much that even my vacations include sport.


I am careful about what I eat. I eat brown bread instead of white or whole wheat, and turkey and chicken instead of red meats. I also eat whenever I am hungry; I am constantly munching on fruits and eat three to four apples everyday. Yes I do indulge myself once in a while. Oh and I drink a lot of water because it cleanses my system.

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