Restrain rise in oil prices, Bush tells King Abdullah
Restrain rise in oil prices, Bush tells King Abdullah
Saudi Arabia indicated that they may step up production if so needed.

New Delhi: President Bush wound up his West Asia visit hoping oil prices would fall.

The hope was based on his meeting with Saudi King Abdullah, during which Bush requested the monarch to restrain any further rise in oil prices.

Later, the Saudi oil minister indicated they may increase production if the need arises.

But Riyadh may not unilaterally hike production.

Much will depend on the OPEC meeting next month where the Saudis could use their considerable influence to lobby other members to hike production.

Earlier in Cairo, Bush sought Egyptian help in pushing through a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.

But while he wanted Egypt to interfere between Israel and Palestine, he requested exactly the opposite of Syria and Iran – stop interfering in Lebanese politics. Bush also called for the Middle-Eastern nations to support Prime Minister Fouad Siniora.

With inputs from the Associated Press

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