Mandya district in Karnataka is famous for the production of sugarcane. The historic sugarcane mill, MySugar Factory, is located in this district. Noticed for its sugarcane production, many are unaware of the huge demand for butter in the Mandya district, especially in Nagamangala town. The butter produced in Nagamangala town is exported to different states and towns.
The farmers of Nagmangala town have developed their churning skills for several generations, leading to the production of high-quality butter. There is a good demand for mandya butter in big cities including Bangalore and Mysore. The high-quality butter of Nagamangala town exudes a good aroma which attracts the buyers. The farmers sell high-quality butter in different villages including Bellur on Monday, Kadabahalli village on Saturday and Bindiganavile Santhe on Wednesday.
Usually, cow butter is sold at Rs 600 per kg. Some consumers will to pay thousands of rupees for each kilogram of desi cow butter. Every week, around 250 to 300 farmers visit the butter festival held in Nagamangala town. Nagamangala butter is always in demand in the market. Apart from this, there is a huge demand for buffalo butter in Nagamangala town of Mandya district.
Nagamangala butter has created a huge demand in the markets at Srinagar, Jayanagar, Hanumanthanagar, Basavanagudi, Akkipet, Balepete, Chamarajpete and Bengaluru. People come from different cities, including Mangalore, Mysore, Tumkur and Hassan districts for the Nagmangala butter.
Even though the butter festival is held in Bellur, Kadabahalli and Bindiganavile, farmers from different villages and towns also participate in the event to sell their butter. It includes participants from Shravanbela Gola, Turuvekere and Channarayapatna taluks. It is believed that the women have the upper hand in this butter sale.
While the husbands are busy working in the field, the women churn butter with the help of modern machines. They sell it in the market with the help of their family. A side hustle job of churning butter extracts huge profits for the farmers.
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