Introspect, says Vedanta
Introspect, says Vedanta

Suppose a Jnani is caring on a business and earns the profit say ‘X’ and so does the ajnani. The later would be overjoyed if the profit exceeds ‘X’ mark and would be depressed if it dipped below the mark. While the Jnani is least affected one way or the other.

While there is no difference in the way two conduct business activities. They differ in their conviction and attitude. The jnani remains aloof in the midst of the business activities.

The world is a Stage: Nobody gives importance to mere appearance. Do you give credence to a hypocritical show of love? But you give lot of value to real love. The jnani has realised that the world is unreal and he does not give it thought nor does he recognise wordly joy or misery as real. The world is a stage, people act out their roles on the stage. In a professional troupe of actors, two actors portraying Rama and Ravana are shown fighting a war on the stage, once the show is over ‘Rama’ and ‘Ravana’ share a cup of tea with no trace of enmity. Similarly the jnani enacts his role on the stage called the world. The role he plays affect him the least and without being affected by joy or sorrow he remains blissful.

The Mark of Jnani: Out-wordly a Jnani looks very much like others. Absence of ego, anger and other negative emotions are the main mark of jnani. His firm conviction that I am not the body and related feelings like praise ensure, joy-miseryand others diminish and finally vanish altogether. Many sadhakas say I am not the body but worry and suffer whenever there is loss. The truth of a statement has to be backed by deed you should shine forth that you are not the body and be always blissful in mundane life with detachment.

The Essence of Adhyatma or Spirituality: Spirituality bestows us eternal bliss devoid of all miseries, which is the highest goal of all human beings. This is possible by Jiva-Brahma -ai Kya Jnana or the knowledge that you the jiva and the universal Brahman are identical.

Modern education and training enable you to earn a living but your inner core is left untouched and uncared for and cannot remove the subtle miseries and will not bring about any inner solace. Stop thinking that you are insignificant jiva with all imperfections. This line of thinking is the root cause of all the sufferings and bondage. The Vedant tells look inwards and gives you Jiva -Brahm-aikya-Jnan. This elevated thinking takes you to the highest state of supreme bliss.

Jiva Under Delusion: Jiva is that individual identified by all as ‘I’ it makes you think  “I am this body, organs the mind and qualities”. You introduce yourself to others as “I am of this name, I am of this caste, I am a boy or young person or an old man and so on. In reality you are not what you think. You are the foundation on which the body, organs, the mind and qualities exist. 

Underneath these changes there is something constant which enables you to know” I who was a boy, is now a youth “ and “I who was young is now old. That constant in you is individual soul, which is real and immutable one who does not change but you have mistakenly identified yourself with name form and states of body. 

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