FIFA President says he is a happy man
FIFA President says he is a happy man
Sepp Blatter is a happy man these days and more so with the success of Fan-zones in Germany.

FIFA President, Sepp Blatter is a happy man these days and more so with the success of Fan-zones in Germany during World Cup 2006

Sepp Blatter: It (World Cup) is really what I had expected, because Football is a game of emotions, full of people getting together and understanding together. On the other hand I'd say, the fate of football is also good, players are good and the association of Football is really at it's best.

I am impressed because we started with this concept of fan-zone only four years ago in Korea in Seoul. But here in Germany, you have it in all the world cup venues and also outside the venues in other cities.

In Berlin it's quite exceptional. And I am sure this is what football charm is, bringing people from the different continents together. They (fans) are walking, eating, drinking together, they go to the stadiums together. But there's not enough seats for everybody so they have public viewing screens, and the fans are happy. And this is what football is all about.

Patrick Snell: As the most powerful man in football, how much responsibility do you feel to deliver a really good tournament?

Sepp Blatter: It's not a question of power, it's a question of responsibility together with the organizers like with Franz Beckenbauer in Germany.

They are incharge of the logistical organisation say the hardware, and we bring in the software. The software that is the teams, referees, spectators. Together we are responsible for the whole of the World Cup.

But I am a happy President and still a lot of responsibilities lie on my shoulders but I am not alone. And because I can see that the FIFA family is working together and specially at this World Cup.

Patrick Snell: Four Years from now, it's the turn of South Africa. How are they doing. How confident are you that they can perform a good game.

Sepp Blatter: They will do well, and they have all the population behind them like Germany, even more I'd say because it will be the Football World Cup in 2010 will make the total integration of the people of South Africa.

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