Facebook adds shared photo albums: Multiple contributors to one album
Facebook adds shared photo albums: Multiple contributors to one album
The original creator of a shared photo album will have an option to add contributors to the album, and each contributor will be allowed to add up to 200 photos to the album.

New Delhi: Having introduced new features like embedded posts, hashtags and ability to add images to comments in the recent past, Facebook, reportedly, has now come up with a new feature which lets users create shared photo albums, thereby allowing multiple users to upload photos to them.

According to a Mashable report, the original creator of a shared photo album will have an option to add contributors to the album, and each contributor will be allowed to add up to 200 photos to the album. This means 10,000 photos can be uploaded to a shared photo album. Earlier, users could only upload photos to their own albums, and each album was limited to 1000 photos.

The new shared photo albums offer three privacy settings - public, friends of contributors and contributors only. It gives the album creator right to decide who can have access to the group's images.

Also, one who creates a shared album could either retain total control over album invitations or allow contributors to invite others to the album. Shared albums seem to be of use in case of group events like camping trips, weddings, parties and reunions. Once rolled out, the new feature is likely to save people from creating and viewing multiple albums of the same event.

The new feature is said to have been built during one of Facebook's company-wide hackathon sessions. Facebook will initially roll out this new feature to the English users before it expands globally.

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