Glooks Definition
“Glooks” is a slang term for “good looking out.” It’s a combination of the words “good” and “looks,” and it’s used to express gratitude or show you appreciate something someone has done. The word “glooks” is an example of blending, a linguistics term for when 2 or more words are combined to form a new word—as in “brunch” (“breakfast” + “lunch”) or “smog” (“smoke” + “fog”).
Glooks Origins
“Glooks” probably started in New York City. You’ve probably heard the phrase “good looking out,” but in the Big Apple, where everyone moves a mile a minute, you say “good looks.” “Glooks” is then an even more efficient form of the phrase—but whether “glooks” itself originated in NYC is unclear.
How to Use “Glooks” in a Sentence
Use it to express thanks. When someone does you a favor, show you appreciate it with a quick and casual “glooks.” You can use it over text: “hey man what’d i miss in class today?” “i gotchu, i’ll send over my notes” “glooks bro!” On social media: “hey cutie! love the new selfie! ????” “aww glooks babe! ????” Or aloud in everyday conversation: “Hey, watch out for that car!” “Glooks, man! I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
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