What Does “Glooks” Mean in Text and on Social Media?
What Does “Glooks” Mean in Text and on Social Media?
Wondering what “glooks” means? It’s actually slang for “thanks.” The word has been popping up in text messages and around social media recently—but where did it come from, and how do you use it? Keep reading to find out! You’ll thank us later—erm, you’ll glook us later?
“Glooks” Overview

Glooks Definition

“Glooks” is a slang term for “good looking out.” It’s a combination of the words “good” and “looks,” and it’s used to express gratitude or show you appreciate something someone has done. The word “glooks” is an example of blending, a linguistics term for when 2 or more words are combined to form a new word—as in “brunch” (“breakfast” + “lunch”) or “smog” (“smoke” + “fog”).

Glooks Origins

“Glooks” probably started in New York City. You’ve probably heard the phrase “good looking out,” but in the Big Apple, where everyone moves a mile a minute, you say “good looks.” “Glooks” is then an even more efficient form of the phrase—but whether “glooks” itself originated in NYC is unclear.

How to Use “Glooks” in a Sentence

Use it to express thanks. When someone does you a favor, show you appreciate it with a quick and casual “glooks.” You can use it over text: “hey man what’d i miss in class today?” “i gotchu, i’ll send over my notes” “glooks bro!” On social media: “hey cutie! love the new selfie! ????” “aww glooks babe! ????” Or aloud in everyday conversation: “Hey, watch out for that car!” “Glooks, man! I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

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