- The law of attraction suggests that you attract the things you focus your energy on. In other words, a positive mindset can draw positive things to your life.
- Visualizing yourself achieving your goals, practicing gratitude, and reframing negative thinking can help you successfully use the law of attraction.
- The law of attraction encourages positivity, which has many benefits. These include reducing stress and depression levels, as well as improving coping skills.
What is the law of attraction?
The law of attraction suggests positive thoughts attract positive things. According to the law of attraction, you draw the things you focus your energy on toward you, like a magnet. As a result, a positive mindset can draw positive experiences into your life, while a negative mindset may attract more negative energy. Many people believe that the successful use of the law of attraction can bring financial success, love, and happiness to their lives. The law of attraction has roots in “New Thought,” a philosophical movement that started in the 19th century. It grew in popularity in more recent times following the publication of the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne in 2006. The book was also made into a movie.
The law of attraction has three fundamental principles. Those who ascribe to the law of attraction believe that these principles hold the key to manifesting positive experiences. Here they are fleshed out in more detail: Similar things attract each other. For example, kind, generous people attract other kind and generous people into their lives, while angry people may attract other angry people to commiserate with. This also goes for thoughts—positive thinking attracts positive experiences into your life, and vice versa. It’s impossible to have truly empty space in your mind. Free areas will always be filled. Because of this, it’s important to fill your mind up with positive things, to prevent negative things from coming in to fill that space. It’s also important to clear out negativity from your mind, to make room for more of the positive. It’s essential to feel gratitude for the present moment. It involves doing all you can to make the present the best it can be, rather than dwelling on the things you’re unhappy about. This helps you focus your energy on manifesting positive things, instead of being stuck in disappointment.
The 7 Laws of Attraction There are 7 sub-laws that deal with different aspects of the Law of Attraction. They are: The Law of Manifestation suggests that the things we focus our thoughts and energy on will come to fruition in our lives. The Law of Magnetism explains that similar things attract each other. In other words, positive thoughts attract positive experiences, and vice versa. The Law of Unwavering Desire suggests that your desire for something must be strong and completely unflinching in order to successfully manifest it. The Law of Delicate Balance explains that the universe depends on a fine balance, and that there will always be negative along with the positive. The Law of Harmony explains that all the energies of the universe are interconnected, so you can tap into the energies around you to achieve your goals. The Law of Right Action urges you to bring goodness into the world through your actions, rather than negativity. This means clearing out toxic, unhealthy energy so that you can act with positivity and integrity. The Law of Universal Influence explains that your actions have a profound impact on the world around you, and this energy ends up coming back to you. Because of this, it’s incredibly important to treat others well and be kind.
How to Use the Law of Attraction
Visualize your dreams coming true. According to the law of attraction, the things you focus your energy on will end up coming true. So, in order to manifest the life you want, close your eyes and picture yourself living it! Imagine yourself doing your dream job, showing off your talents, or walking down the aisle toward a loving partner. Whatever you’re hoping to attract into your life, picture it as vividly as you can. Try to do this every day to solidify your intentions and bring them one step closer to reality! There’s also scientific evidence of the benefits of visualization. Studies show that it can relieve stress and boost creativity, focus, and self-esteem.
Create a vision board for the life you want. Cut out words and pictures from a magazine, print out images, or use photographs to create a collage of your goals and desires. Hang your vision board in your living space where you can see it every day. This will remind you to direct your energy toward manifesting your dreams, and it will serve as daily inspiration to work toward your goals! For example, you might include photos of the kind of home you want to build, your dream career, or a couple in love. Remember, a vision board is not a magic wand. To get what you want, you’ll still need to put in the work to get it! It's simply a tool to promote positive thinking and optimism, so that you’ll be even more inspired to strive for your goals.
Phrase your desires using positive terms. It’s important to avoid phrases that rely on negative words like “no” or “not” to state what you want, such as “I don’t want to lose my job.” Instead, focus on using the words for the things you want to attract. For instance, “I don’t want to lose” sends out the word “lose” into the universe, while “I want to win” sends out the word “win.”Tip: The law of attraction suggests that the universe latches onto the words you use, not the intention behind them. That means “no debt” might result in the universe seeing “debt.”
Use positive self-talk and positive affirmations. It’s normal to have negative thoughts about yourself, but this can hold you back. When you catch yourself thinking negatively, question that thought and try to replace it with a positive one. You can also repeat your favorite mantra or positive affirmation throughout the day to keep yourself on track. Speaking positive things aloud can help you bring them into existence! Let’s say you catch yourself thinking, “I’ll never be that good at public speaking.” Question this thought by pointing out that everyone starts somewhere, and practice leads to improvement. Then replace that negative thought with a positive one. For example, tell yourself “I am improving at public speaking every time I do it.” Throughout your day, repeat positive affirmations to keep the positive energy going. You could say something like “I’m living my dreams,” “I’m a success,” or “I radiate joy.”
Challenge your worries. Think about whether or not your worries have come true in the past—chances are that some of them have, but certainly not all of them. Next, consider how bad the worst-case scenario would be if your worries actually came to fruition. You'll likely realize it's not that big of a deal in the long-run, and that you’ll be able to face the challenges as they come. Staying in this more positive mindset will help you use the law of attraction to your benefit.Tip: If you can't stop worrying, jot down your worried thoughts in a journal. Then, put the journal away to help keep the thoughts out of your mind. For example, let's say you're worried you'll embarrass yourself during a presentation. How likely is that to happen? Has it happened before? If you did mess up, would it be the end of the world? Would you still think about it a year later? It also helps to think about what your life might be like in 5 or 10 years. Will the thing you're worried about even matter then? If the answer to this question is “no,” try to let go of your worry, and just focus on doing the best you can in your current situation.
Reframe negative thoughts. Reframing involves shifting your focus to the positive in a situation, rather than the negative. This can help you manage difficult emotions and cultivate a more positive attitude, which is an essential aspect of the law of attraction. For example, instead of thinking about how unhappy you are that you’re single, try to focus on what the ideal romantic partnership would look like for you. Visualize yourself in this kind of relationship, and direct your energy toward manifesting it. This puts the focus on what you want to bring into your life, rather than what you want to eliminate. It sends the message to the universe that you expect good things to happen!
Practice gratitude. List the things you’re grateful for aloud, or write them in a gratitude journal. Appreciating the good things in your life helps you maintain a positive mindset. And, according to the law of attraction, this positivity attracts even more positive things to you! Set aside a time in your schedule to write in your gratitude journal. This could be once or twice per week, or however often you feel the desire to. During your journaling session, make a list of 3-10 things you’re grateful for, and write down why you’re grateful for them. Focus on listing people or experiences, rather than material things. Be specific, and include as much detail as you can.
Try out meditation. Meditation can be a powerful tool to manifest the life you desire. Here’s a step-by-step rundown of how to do a guided visualization meditation to attract the things you want and achieve your goals: Find a quiet, distraction-free location and sit down in a comfortable position. Breathe deeply and slowly, and try to focus on your inhalations and exhalations. Bring your awareness to any negative thoughts, worries, or beliefs that are holding you back. Once you’re aware of them, tell yourself that it’s time to clear them out. Picture yourself letting go of these negative things, and being filled up with positive, healing energy instead. Next, bring your awareness to what you want to manifest or attract to your life. Picture it in your mind in as much detail as possible, as if it’s already happened and you’re recalling a memory. Inhale deeply as you visualize this image. As you exhale, imagine yourself breathing positive energy and life into it, making it even more real and powerful. When you’re ready, slowly open your eyes and end your meditation session.
Remember to back your positive thoughts up with action. The law of attraction requires more than just changing the way you think. Unfortunately, positive thoughts and affirmations alone can’t bring you your wildest dreams. As you work toward cultivating positivity and gratitude, you’ll also need to take real, tangible steps toward your goals.Tip: Try to work on your goal at the same time every day. For example, you might get up 15 minutes earlier every morning to work on your goal. Similarly, you could spend half of your lunch hour everyday pursuing your goal. For example, if you’re trying to use the law of attraction to achieve your dream of becoming a successful singer, it’s not enough to simply visualize yourself on stage. You’ll also need to take lessons, practice, and put yourself out there at auditions in order to reach your fullest potential.
Benefits of the Law of Attraction
Positive thinking can benefit your mental and physical wellbeing. In fact, research has shown that optimism may reduce depression, lower stress levels, and promote better coping skills in the face of hardship. Thinking positively may even increase your lifespan, help you fight off illnesses, and improve your cardiovascular health. Because the law of attraction involves cultivating positivity, it may also bring about some of these physical and mental benefits.
Criticisms of the Law of Attraction
It may lead to wishful thinking. Critics of the law of attraction point out that it may make people think that they simply need to imagine their dreams coming true in order to achieve them. If you want to use the law of attraction, you'll need to back your positive thinking up with action. It’s important to remember that your thoughts alone aren’t enough to bring you your dreams—it takes hard work, too!
It may cause you to self-blame. Many critics of the law of attraction take issue with the idea that negative thinking attracts negative things to your life. This belief can cause people to blame themselves when unfortunate things occur or people treat them poorly, which isn't healthy. If you want to use the law of attraction, it’s important to remember that some negative events are completely out of your control, and you're not to blame for them. Remember, hardships and setbacks happen to everyone, regardless of how positively they think. You aren’t always in control of what happens to you, but you are in control of how you respond. Let’s say, for instance, that you lost a job you really wanted. Instead of blaming yourself, try to accept that this time it wasn’t meant to be. Then, think about how you can use this experience to do better next time.
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