Exercises for Loose Skin Under the Chin
Chin tucks Try this exercise to help tone the area around your chin and jawline. Do a set of 10 repetitions, 5 to 7 times throughout the day: Sit or stand as straight as you can and lightly touch either index finger to your chin. Pull your head and neck back slowly without moving your finger, creating a space between your finger and chin. Hold your head and chin back in that position for about 10 seconds. Slowly move your head back to the starting position to complete one repetition.
Ceiling kisses Perform 15 repetitions of this exercise twice a day to strengthen the skin and muscle surround your lips and chin: Sit or stand as straight as you can and tilt your head back to look at the ceiling. Pucker up your lips into a fish face and hold for 5–10 seconds. Relax your face, then repeat.
Sticking out your tongue Do 10 repetitions of this exercise once a day to tone your chin and neck muscles: Look forward and open your mouth as wide as possible. Stick your tongue out until you feel tension in your chin and neck muscles. Hold your tongue for 10 seconds, then relax to complete one rep.
Neck rotations Perform 10 repetitions of this exercise once a day to tone the muscles in your neck: Sit or stand up straight and lower your chin down to your chest. Rotate your neck in a clockwise circle, keeping your shoulders low and relaxed the whole time. Once you complete one circle, you’ve completed one rep.
Pouting Try 10 repetitions of this move once a day to tighten the muscles around your chin and the corners of your mouth: Make a giant, exaggerated frown or pouty face by bringing the corners of your mouth down as far as they’ll go. Keep pouting until you feel tension or stretching in the muscles between your chin and the underside of your nose. Hold for about 5 seconds and relax to complete one rep. This exercise will also help you achieve a more relaxed-looking smile.
Neck lifts No, this isn’t “neck lift” like the surgery! Do 5 repetitions of this move 1 or 2 times a day, and stop immediately if you feel any neck pain: Lay face-up on your bed with your head hanging over the edge of the mattress. Slowly lift your head up as high as you can, using only your neck muscles. Hold for a few seconds, then lower your head back down to complete one rep.
Chewing Repeat this move 20 times, once a day to tone the area under your chin: Sit or stand up straight and look up, pointing your chin at the ceiling. Keep your lips closed and make chewing motions with your mouth for 2-3 seconds. Lower your head to complete one rep.
Face yoga poses: “The Coronation” Face yoga uses facial “poses” to tone and strengthen muscles all over the face for a more youthful appearance. Some moves target the chin, jaw, and neck area more strongly, like “the coronation” pose (this one is especially good if you spend a lot of time hunched over screens). Try 10 repetitions of this move 1 to 2 times a day to improve your posture, making your neck look longer and your chin look more lifted: Stand or sit up straight and place a crown (or balance a book) on top of your head. This will put you in a neutral, balanced posture. Smile wide without squinting or tensing the area around your eyes at all. Hold the smile for 5 to 10 seconds, then relax to finish one rep.
Natural Remedies to Tighten Skin Under Chin
Weight management Maintaining a healthy weight may help improve the appearance of loose or saggy skin, but is especially helpful for double chins caused by weight gain or fat accumulation. Since you can’t target fat in specific areas, implement a healthy diet and exercise regimen to help you lose fat all over: Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Choose water over high-calorie or sugary drinks and try to limit sources of empty carbs and extra fat, like processed snacks or fried foods. Eat plenty of lean proteins (Greek yogurt, chicken breast, fish), fruits and vegetables, healthy fats (avocado, olive oil), and complex carbs like whole grains, legumes, and starchy foods like potatoes. Eat at least 1,200 calories a day. It may be tempting to go on an extreme diet for fast results, but you need at least this much to stay healthy. If it helps, focus on foods that are filling rather than trying to restrict calories. Add regular exercise to your routine. The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of light-to-moderate aerobic activity (or 75 minutes of intense activity) per week, along with 2+ days of strength training.
Hot neck massage with almond, wheat germ, or olive oil In theory, a massage can improve circulation in your neck and help with lymphatic drainage, leading to healthier and firmer-looking skin. The oil you choose can also inject your skin with nutrients that might support tightening and skin health. First, warm a small amount of your preferred oil in the microwave. To perform the massage, look upward and gently stroke your knuckles downward along your neck, from chin to collarbone. Almond oil is rich in vitamin E and can help improve circulation and stimulate collagen production. Wheat germ oil is also rich in vitamin E and may assist with tightening skin and reducing fat accumulation. Olive oil contains lots of vitamin E and antioxidants and is very nourishing for your skin.
Cucumber paste Cucumber is hydrating, can improve skin elasticity, and contains vitamin C to stimulate collagen production. To make a cucumber paste neck mask, blend cucumber slices with plain yogurt and apply directly to your neck for about 20 minutes. Rinse with cool water. Keep in mind that homemade masks probably aren’t powerful or penetrative enough to make noticeable changes in your skin. However, there are few down sides or side effects to trying them!
Banana neck mask To make the mask, mash up a banana with a few drops of lemon juice and spread it over your neck for 15 minutes. You can use this mask up to twice a week. The jury is still out on how beneficial bananas are for your skin (TikTok users swear that rubbing banana peels on your skin is a fix for wrinkles and sagging, but dermatologists aren’t yet convinced it works that well). However, bananas do contain lots of antioxidants, which may help reverse skin aging and allow your skin to produce collagen more easily.
Mineral water Mineral water is healthy to drink and even to wash your skin with, but it may not have as big of an effect on your sagging neck than some influencers claim. However, the minerals in the water might help offset an imbalance in your body (if you have one), leading to healthier skin. There is also some evidence to suggest mineral water may help maintain collagen levels by limiting how much collagen can be reabsorbed into your bones. So, try swapping a few glasses of normal water for mineral water. It contains more electrolytes to keep you hydrated than normal water, but may not be a good choice for those trying to limit their sodium intake.
Cosmetics to Tighten Chin Skin
Creams with N-acetyl glucosamine N-acetyl glucosamine is a form of glucosamine, a natural substance found in cartilage tissue. Studies show that using anti-aging creams with N-acetyl glucosamine for 16 weeks results in significant and noticeable effects like firmer and youthful looking skin, fewer lines and wrinkles, reduced redness, and a more even skin tone around the neck and décolletage of test subjects. Some saw improvement in as little as 8 weeks. Most products include up to about 10% N-acetyl glucosamine. Very few side effects, like redness or irritation, are likely at this level or below.
Retinol Products containing retinoids, like retinol creams, may have a subtle effect on the appearance of your skin, although dermatologists warn that they can’t penetrate the skin deep enough to have very noticeable improvements. However, retinol does help your body produce more collagen, which can help your skin look plumper and firmer with consistent use over time.
Non-Surgical Procedures for Loose Skin Under Chin
Botox As your neck muscles weaken, vertical bands causing the “turkey neck appearance can form on your throat. Botox injections re-tone the muscle to reduce these bands and can be effective overall. However, the changes are more subtle than with surgical procedures, and you may need several treatments to see satisfactory results.
Laser skin resurfacing Laser treatments use heat to rejuvenate the skin under your chin and around your jaws, lessening a saggy or double chin. The laser beams vaporize the outer layers of your skin and stimulate collagen production while also tightening your skin, reducing wrinkles and scars, and evening out your skin tone. Infection and skin discoloration are potential side effects, and your neck area may look red and irritated for several months as it heals.
Ultherapy Ultherapy uses ultrasonic waves to lift and tighten the skin on your neck and under your chin. During the procedure, a handheld device emits ultrasonic waves deep into your skin, causing it to heat up. The heat tightens the skin and triggers more collagen production, which makes your skin look more full and youthful with breaking or cutting it. Ultherapy is most commonly used around the eyes, jawline, chin, cheeks, mouth, and neck.
Dermal fillers Dermal fillers usually contain hyaluronic acid and collagen and are injected into the skin to restore volume to any loose or sagging areas and contour your neck and chin. Fillers are temporary and you’ll have to continue having appointments to maintain them. However, the appointments are fairly quick, in-office procedures.
Kybella injections These injections work to break down fat deposits beneath the chin and are especially helpful for those with double chins. The active ingredient is deoxycholic acid, a natural molecule your body makes that destroys a cell’s ability to store fat. Up to 6 treatments may be needed for optimal results, with a 1-month waiting period between appointments.
CoolSculpting CoolSculpting is a targeted fat-blasting method similar to Kybella injections. Instead of acid, a small applicator exposes the fat cells under your chin to extreme cold. Over the course of several treatments, the chilled fat cells die and are filtered out of your body, leaving you with less fat in the CoolSculpting area. Though popular, CoolSculpting puts you at risk of paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (PAH), a condition where the fat cells actually grow and multiply, leading to the opposite result of a slimmer, tighter neck.
Microneedling In this procedure, the skin is pricked with many tiny needles that stimulate the skin to repair itself. There are no injections involved, and the skin is numbed with a topical anesthetic beforehand. As the top layer of skin is destroyed, new collagen is encouraged to form and make your skin firmer and more elastic. Radiofrequency microneedling is a special kind of microneedling where high-intensity radio frequency energy is blasted into the skin by the needles. The extra energy warms your deep tissue and stimulates more collagen production.
Surgeries to Tighten Skin Under Chin
Face lift or neck lift Face lifts (rhytidectomy) and neck lifts (platysmaplasty) are invasive procedures, but offer instant and noticeable results. They’re considered the “gold standard” for fixing a saggy or turkey neck as well as double chins. Both procedures are operations where a surgeon removes excess skin and fat from the neck and/or chin area and tightens the remaining skin, muscle, and tissue as necessary.
Chin tuck A chin tuck (submentoplasty) is like a less invasive version of a neck lift. Rather than tightening any muscle or skin, the surgeon just removes extra skin and fat from the area beneath your jaw to give a more contoured, smooth neck. This can be done by excision (surgical removal) or other methods like liposuction. Chin tucks are effective for both saggy necks and double chins.
Chin liposuction Liposuction is a common procedure that most healthy people are eligible for. The procedure involves using suction to remove fat deposits from under the skin in your chin, jaw, and/or neck. The physician may also inject medicated saline into the fatty area to constrict blood vessels (thereby reducing blood loss) and help manage pain.
MST operation A mastoid-spanning tensor thread (MST) procedure is a neck rejuvenation surgery where a surgeon places a barbed thread in the neck muscles and tissue. The barbs are anchored at specific points to “lift” the skin and provide a more taut, youthful look. MST operations are considered minimally invasive and have very few and mild side effects.
Chin implant If you have a weak chin, a small implant can strengthen it and make it look more proportional to your face. This can stretch the skin under your chin a bit tighter, making it look less saggy and reducing the appearance of “submental fullness” (a double chin). An implant can be paired with liposuction to remove remaining excess fat and skin.
Z-plasty A Z-plasty is a procedure meant to improve the appearance of scars, but is also sometimes recommended to tighten the skin under your chin. During this surgery, two triangular flaps of skin are cut and then layered over each other to draw the skin tighter. While the procedure is meant to redirect scars along less noticeable skin folds, it may also be recommended for saggy necks. Z-plasties may leave more scarring than other procedures, but may be favored by men who want to avoid a full face or neck lift since a beard can cover some or all of the scars.
What causes a saggy neck or double chin?
Aging and genetics are the primary causes of a saggy neck or double chin. As you get older, your skin becomes less elastic and produces less collagen. This means the skin on your face and around your jaw can sag and drift downward, pooling under your jaw and chin. Some folks are just genetically predisposed to a turkey neck, too—if both or one of your parents has one, you may be more likely to have one too. People experience sagging necks at different ages. Some may notice the onset in their late 20s or early 30s, while others can make it into their 40s or 50s before noticeable sagging happens. Weight gain can also contribute to bulking underneath the chin and is a big contributor to double chins. Lifestyle factors like smoking, poor nutrition, or sun damage can also weaken the skin under your chin and cause it to droop or sag. Some medications, like certain steroids or anti-HIV drugs, may also concentrate fat in your neck and chin area.
Can the skin under your chin be tightened?
Yes, chin skin can be tightened most effectively by cosmetic procedures. Saggy neck skin is a common problem, and there are a wide variety of effective and minimally invasive procedures available to help you fight aging and change the appearance of your under-chin skin. These procedures and surgeries are far more effective than natural remedies or face exercises. While exercises might minimally help tone your facial muscles to prevent sagging and fat deposits, there’s no evidence showing they’re a true fix for a saggy neck. However, there’s no harm in trying them out (they’re totally safe) and you might see some improvement from them in the long term.
Why does neck and chin skin change so fast?
Your skin starts losing firmness in your mid-30s, leading to quick changes. Around the age of 35, your dermis (the middle layer of your skin) slows down its production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid—all the things that keep your skin firm, smooth, and elastic. As your skin loosens, the fat pads underneath your skin can drift downward and make the lower part of your face look larger. These fat pads often travel downward from places like your cheeks, around the eyelids, your temples, and of course, your chin. Many dermatologists and plastic surgeons visualize your face as an inverted triangle. When you’re young, your face tends to narrow more as you get down toward the chin. As you age, though, the triangle flips and you start to accumulate more fat and skin on the lower portion of your face, jaw, and neck, making it seem larger or wider.
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