How to Study for the TOEFL
How to Study for the TOEFL
The TOEFL may feel overwhelming, because it covers a lot of different skills. But don’t worry! You can make a study plan that will help you improve your reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. There are also tutors and practice tests to give you an extra edge. With some dedication and concentration, you can put yourself on track to succeed.

Setting Yourself Up for Success and Utilizing Resources

Visit the TOEFL website to learn about the format of the test. Your first step is to figure out what will be on the test. The TOEFL has 4 sections, which are Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. They cover: Reading. In this section, you will read 3-4 different passages and answer questions about each. This section lasts 60-80 minutes. Listening. In this section, you will listen to 4-6 lectures and answer questions about each. You will also participate in 2-3 conversations. The listening section lasts 60-90 minutes. Speaking. In this section, you will do 2 independent and 4 integrated tasks. This section lasts 20 minutes. Writing. In this section, you will complete 1 integrated task lasting 20 minutes and 1 independent task lasting 30 minutes.

Register for the test 3-4 months before you want to take it. Find a TOEFL testing location close to you, on a date that you like. You can find test locations and dates on the TOEFL website. When you've found one, register by phone, email, or mail.

Make a study schedule to stay organized. Schedule time to study for at least 5 hours per week. Split this time up over the course of several days so that you don't get burned out. It's best to study for a couple of hours a day at least 3-4 days per week. Make a schedule, and include what topic you will study on which date. Make sure you set aside more time for topics you need more help with. Write down your schedule and stick to it. For example, you might write: “Monday, study 7-8 a.m. Work on reading and writing skills.”

Organize your study space. A great study space is one where you can concentrate. Any study space should be free from distractions, clutter, and social media. Have all of your materials nearby for easy access. Don’t forget water and snacks! Don’t feel like you have to stick to just 1 spot. Maybe you want to work in 1 spot on Monday and change it up Tuesday. You might like to close yourself in your bedroom and play relaxing music. Alternatively, you might work better with a little more background activity. If that’s the case, head to your favorite coffee shop to get your work done.

Get a study guide and take practice tests. You can download a variety of free study guides. For best results, choose an official TOEFL study guide. Set aside time each day to work on the practice tests. This is the best way to get a sense of what the exam will actually be like. You can use practice tests in addition to your other activities, such as listening to and reading a variety of materials. Reader Poll: We asked 155 wikiHow readers, and 67% of them agreed that the best way to prepare for a test is to take online practice tests. [Take Poll]

Hire a teacher or take a class to get extra help. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed at the idea of taking such a big test. If you have the money, consider hiring a tutor for 1 on 1 instruction. You can do a quick internet search for “TOEFL tutors near me.” Another option is to take a study course. Check with your local library and community center to see if they offer a class you can join. You might also find an online class that is right for you.

Ask friends and family members to support you. Studying for the TOEFL can be stressful so you might need some extra support. Ask your friends and family for help if you need it. For example, you could ask someone to quiz you. Or you might say, “I really need to study. Could you help me out by making dinner tonight?” There are also online communities of other test takers. Look online for TOEFL communities!

Improving Your Reading and Writing Skills

Read as much English as you can each day. Try reading college-level textbooks, which are written in the same style that the TOEFL will use, and cover a wide range of topics. You should definitely build reading time into your study schedule, but try to add additional reading time to your day, too. Try reading during your commute or before you go to bed. Use the internet! News articles, blogs, and online magazines are all helpful when improving your reading skills. You can read whatever interests you. Try food blogs if you are trying to improve your cooking skills, or read about health and wellness if you're trying to get fit. All that matters is that you read.

Practice writing down the main points of a passage. After you read an article or text, write a brief summary. Make sure to include all of the main points of the text. If there are 2 viewpoints being expressed, make sure to include both of those in your summary. Start by listing the main points and the supporting details. Then turn those into a complete paragraph. After you write your summary, go back and fix any spelling or grammatical errors.

Work on reading comprehension to make sure you understand the material. It’s really important that you understand what you are reading. Test yourself by answering some basic questions after you read a text. For example, make sure that you can answer basic questions. It's always a good idea to be able to identify the "who, what, when, where, and why." Have a friend quiz you by coming up with questions about what you’ve just read.

Keep a journal to track new vocabulary words. Improving your vocabulary will help you read better. Keep a small notebook with you at all times so you can write down new words. Any time you hear or read a new word, write it down. When you have time, look up the meaning and write that down, too. You can make flashcards with your vocab words on them so that you can easily quiz yourself.

Practice organizing your essays for the writing section. Make sure that your essay has an introduction, body, and conclusion. While you are writing practice essays, get in the habit of structuring your essays in that way. Each body paragraph should focus on 1 subject. Don’t forget to include a strong thesis statement! Use keywords and phrases to mark your place in the essay. For example, if you’re comparing to points, say, “In contrast to…” When you come to your last paragraph, you can say something like, “To conclude…”

Set aside time to organize, write, and edit your essay. When you’re studying, stick to a plan for writing your essays. You should get used to spending 4-5 minutes planning and organizing your writing. Save another 5 minutes at the end to edit your work. The rest of the time should be devoted to writing the essay.

Stick to the main point and use complete sentences. You should use clear, brief sentences for the writing portion. Make sure to stay on topic and only write about the main points of your outline. For example, if you're writing about an essay on taking care of your dog, you might write, "The most important thing is to give your dog lots of attention. Play with it, take it outside, and talk to it every day. You also need to focus on giving it nutritious food." Write in the active voice to make your points really clear.

Working on Your Speaking and Listening Skills

Spend time talking to native speakers. Try to spend more time with your English-speaking friends. Start a conversation about any topic. You will need to talk about many subjects during the test, so this is good practice! Ask your friends to hang out regularly. Phone calls and apps like Facetime are great, too! You can also practice your English by talking to co-workers, classmates, or even the barista at the local coffee shop. The more you speak English, the more confident you will feel.

Organize your answer into 1 statement and 2-3 supporting examples. Give yourself practice speeches to do. Read a newspaper article or book chapter and write a short talk to practice for the speaking portion. Organize your speech by answering a question about the text and then adding 2-3 supporting examples. Your practice speeches should last about 1 minute. Do them throughout the day to get comfortable with this structure. For example, you might say, “This recent blog post on vegetarian recipes gave me a lot of great ideas on how to try new foods. For one thing, I now understand that roasting veggies gives them a great depth of flavor. I also learned that adding veggies to smoothies is a great way to get some first thing in the morning. Finally, I was surprised to learn that you can even incorporate vegetables into deserts. I can’t wait to try carrot cake.”

Listen to recordings on various topics to get ready for the listening section. The point of the listening portion of the test is to show that you understand spoken English. When you study, try to listen to podcasts, videos, and lectures. You can find all sorts of topics using the internet and podcast apps. You can listen to people talk about anything from movies to academic subjects. When you listen, take notes. Write down the main points of the lecture and then write questions about them. On the test, you might be asked inference questions such as, “What does the professor imply with that statement?” or “What can you infer from hearing that example?”

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