How to Stay Awake All Night at a Sleepover
How to Stay Awake All Night at a Sleepover
Just because the word sleep is in the name doesn't mean a sleepover has to involve actually sleeping. Sometimes it's much more fun to challenge yourself to stay awake all night with your friends. With some confidence and determination, you and your friends can enjoy the sleepover all night without needing to waste a single second sleeping.

Avoiding Sleep Routines

Don't put on your pajamas. Pajamas are comfortable, and therefore easy to fall asleep in. Stay in your clothes and wear jeans or something that is not comfortable enough to sleep in. The idea isn't to make yourself uncomfortable, just to avoid anything that your mind associates with sleep.

Don't lie in bed. The comfort will make you want to shut your eyes, a surefire way to give in to drowsiness. So sit on a hard chair, the floor, or something similar. You should focus on keeping active, so try to change your location often.

Make the room bright. Dim lights can be a source of fatigue, especially for the eyes. If you can, turn at least two lights on, as well as the TV. This will keep your eyes open and your mind alert.

Keeping Your Body Awake

Sleep as much as you can the night before. If you do this, you will be ready for the long night. Have an afternoon nap, or a long sleep the day before. If you can, sleep for at least 12 hours the night before, or sleep before your friends come over.

Drink coffee or caffeinated drinks. If you don't like coffee, drink soda. Some good examples are Red Bull, Dr. Pepper, Monster, Mountain Dew, and Coke. Also, try mixing hot chocolate with instant coffee and milk.

Eat spicy foods. Eating something spicy is just like pinching yourself, but with more burning. Try spicy Cheetos, spicy noodles, spicy chips, and anything else that's spicy. Just try not to eat too much, as a full stomach can cause drowsiness.

Try eating sugary snacks. Sugar can make you more active and move around more. Eat candy, chocolate, ice cream, cookies, cake, and any other sugary treats. You could also eat sour gummy worms and icebreakers so that you'll be energized by the constant sour, and the candy will give you some sugar too.

Chew on some minty gum. When you're mouth is busy chewing and biting, you won't be as likely to fall asleep. Your chewing mouth sends signals to your brain that food is on its way, which helps you stay awake. And chewing without swallowing helps you avoid post-meal tiredness.

Drink a lot of water. It is difficult to sleep if you have a full bladder. It will make you have to keep moving. Not to mention that water is also healthy for you, and a lack of water can tire you out.

Splash your face with cold water. If you're really feeling the drowsiness, a splash of cold water will help. Go to the bathroom sink, run the water, and just give your face a few splashes of water. It stimulates the nerves and re-energizes your body.

Move around a lot. If you keep moving, your body will stay circulated and you will become hyper. Try activities such as jumping jacks or push-ups to help you wake up. Make up games with your sleepover buddies that involve moving around, rather than just playing video games and watching things on TV. Have a pillow fight! This will keep you and your friends active and having fun. If you do have a pillow fight, try to keep the volume down, or do it somewhere where the sound doesn't echo!

Keeping Your Mind Alert

Do things that you really enjoy. For example, watching movies, playing video games, or playing a board game will keep you occupied. Play on your phone or tablet, but try to rest your eyes every twenty minutes or so. Play games like Truth or Dare, Would You Rather, and Mafia. You have to pay attention in these games, that will keep you alert. You could also play Guitar Hero or Rock Band. This will keep your mind off of sleeping. When watching TV, try not to watch re-runs of TV shows you've seen before. The fact that you know what eventually happens makes watching the show boring. Try to watch episodes of TV shows that you've never seen, or that you haven't seen in a while. Same goes for movies. Take frequent breaks when watching any kind of screen, to avoid fatiguing your eyes.

Listen to loud music. Rock or heavy metal is usually louder, or just turn the volume up more. Don't let it get too loud though, or you might wake the host's parents. Take turns using headphones if you have to.

Try not to watch the clock. This will make the night drag on, and it seems like it will never reach the end of that night. Pay attention to what your friends are doing or talking about instead. The more fun you have, the faster time will seem to pass.

Rely on each other. Make a rule where if anybody sees anybody else start to fade off, or look drowsy, they can give them a small pinch in the arm or shake them awake. If you see your friends looking drowsy, suggest a change in activities. It's easier to stay awake with help from your friends.

Staying Active

Try talking all night about exciting things. Just be careful not to hurt anyone’s feelings or make someone sound bad. For instance, talk about the people you have a crush on, the people your friends have a crush on, the school gossip, or the TV shows or movies you like at the moment. Conversation stimulates the mind, and a stimulated mind is an alert mind. Scare yourself silly. Tell lots of super scary stories that will scare each other into staying awake. Try playing a truth or dare game in the dark outside, so you will be too scared to sleep.

Play hide-and-seek in the dark. The thrill of hiding from whoever is "it" will keep you up! It is also a fun game to play when you have nothing to do. Do not hide lying down, or else you could fall asleep.

Go outside. Get outside into the fresh night air (if your parents approve of it). Jump on the trampoline, play flashlight tag, run in circles, have races, or go swimming in the backyard pool at night (with permission from the parents). The cold air will help keep you awake.

Try singing. It doesn't matter if you are a good or bad singer, singing is a great way to pass the time while keeping your mind active. You could play a game like American Idol or The X Factor in your living room or bedroom, even outside. Just be sure not to wake those in the house trying to sleep.

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