How to Solve the You Enter a Room Riddle (Plus Other Brain Teasers)
How to Solve the You Enter a Room Riddle (Plus Other Brain Teasers)
You may have seen a variation of this riddle making its rounds on social media: “You enter a room. 2 dogs, 4 horses, 1 giraffe, and a duck are lying on the bed. 3 chickens are flying over a chair. How many legs are on the ground?” It may look like a simple math puzzle at first, but the actual answer is a clever trick. Keep reading, and we’ll walk you through how to solve the riddle, and give you a few extra brain teasers to test your knowledge.
Answering the You Enter a Room Riddle

You Enter a Room Riddle

You enter a room. 2 dogs, 4 horses, 1 giraffe, and a duck are lying on the bed. 3 chickens are flying over a chair. How many legs are on the ground?

You Enter a Room Riddle Answer

10 legs To get the answer, count your 2 legs (since you entered the room), the 4 legs of the chair, and the 4 legs of the bed. Even though there are other animals with legs in the room, they’re either lying on the bed or flying over the chair so they’re not on the ground.

Alternative Answers to the You Enter a Room Riddle

8 legs Some people argue that when you enter the room, your feet are on the ground but your legs are not. In that case, only the 4 chair legs and 4 bed legs touch the ground for a total of 8.

4 legs Some people think the joke is ambiguous and the chair could also be on the bed. If you’re only counting the bed legs, then only 4 are touching the ground.

0 legs The word “ground” typically refers to being outside. Some people think the riddle is a trick question and would use the word “floor” if it referred to inside the room.

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