How to Find a Job in London
How to Find a Job in London
Described as a cultural melting pot, London serves as the vibrant epicenter of the United Kingdom. Big cities, whether they're abroad or simply in your own backyard, are an enticing prospect for intrepid job-seekers looking to make a major leap. The grass is always greener, after all, and the first step to making that transition is landing a job that will support you through your big move.

Verifying Your Eligibility to Work in London

Check whether your country is part of the European Union. If you’re looking to relocate on an international level, save yourself a substantial amount of hassle by confirming whether or not you will need to apply for a work visa. As of right now, the United Kingdom is still part of the European Union, meaning that anyone from a country in the union can live and work in another union country without a work visa.

Determine what type of work visa you may need. If you’re applying from abroad and are not from a country in the European Union, you will need to apply for a work visa. The United Kingdom has many different types of work visas that can be applied for. Not every visa applies to every person. Do your research on your industry and potential companies in order to get an idea of what visa you will need. You will not be able actually apply without a job offer or sponsorship from an employer. Keep this in mind before you do too much work in the application process.

Transfer your credentials to the United Kingdom. The training for certain roles and positions can vary internationally. Make sure to verify your qualifications with the National Recognition Information Centre by sending copies of your certificates and transcripts through their online form.

Starting Your Search

Research the health of your industry in London. While London is currently thriving on the whole, be sure the field you want to go into isn’t ailing. Individual industries can fluctuate both city to city and internationally. Struggling industries will not be able to offer many positions. You'll be facing even fiercer competition if you opt to pursue one of these fields.

Identify ties between yourself and potential companies. Many companies operate on a large or even international scale. Check to see if your company has a branch in London, or inquire after professional relationships between your company and those in the city. Employers are much more likely to select applicants that have already proven their ability to do the job. If you are just out of college or university, see if you have any alumni working in the city. They might be willing to point you in the right direction, or even put in a good word for you. Be sure to also check if your school itself has ties to any businesses in London.

Hunt down a recruitment agent willing to represent you. Most companies in London have ties to recruitment agencies in order to save time and resources on the hiring process. More importantly, they’ll be able to fill you in on any cultural differences you might be unaware of if you are coming from abroad.

Browse job listing hubs for your dream job. Don’t just stand by while a recruiter does the work for you. Be proactive and pave your own way. Sites like Indeed and Gumtree will provide listings based on location and employment type. Never hesitate to go old-fashioned. Check out classified advertisements in local newspapers. International applicants can find potentially find these classified ads online..

Making a Good Impression

Wow your potential employers with a thorough resume. Your resume will be your first point of contact with any potential employers. Make sure it’s the perfect representation of you. Not only should it be free of spelling or grammatical errors, but it should tell your full story. If you’ve ever traveled abroad, find a way to weave your experiences into your resume. This will show employers that you already have experience outside of your comfort zone. While your resume should detail information about yourself, a cover letter helps stress why your experiences are a good fit for the job you’re applying for. Take the time to address why your current skills and past work will be a boon to your potential employer.

Stand out in the crowd by highlighting what makes you unique. Whether it’s in your job application, your interview, or how you conduct yourself in the follow-up process, make sure your potential employer remembers who you are. Competition is fierce for jobs in major cities. You want to be sure your face isn’t lost in the crowd. Always be sure to check yourself. While confidence will help you stand out, too much confidence can be perceived as arrogance, an unwelcome trait in almost any company. Always be sure to moderate yourself.

Research the dress code. Even if you’re only going in for an interview, you want to be aware of how you will be expected to present yourself in your desired position. Not only will you look like you fit in, but it will highlight just how much research you have done into your position.

Prove how valuable you are by working hard. Nothing is ever permanent. Make sure your employer knows they made the right choice by putting your best work into everything you come across. Even if your time with your current company comes to an end, they can prove to be a vital asset in figuring out your next step.

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