Purchase a tooth gem kit. There are a number of companies and websites that sell kits for applying your own tooth gems. You can choose from the available kits based on the types of gems you want. Choose a kit that has been developed with or by dental professionals to avoid doing damage to your teeth. At home tooth gem kits will allow gems to stay on for up to several weeks. If you want your gems to last significantly longer, have them applied professionally, by a dentist.
Test the UV lamp. Your tooth gem kit should come with a small battery powered UV lamp. Take it out of the kit and test it. This may require taking the batteries out of the lamp and removing any paper or plastic that was placed between the batteries for shipment. Always wear UV-protective eyewear, such as sunglasses, before testing or using a UV lamp. Turn the lamp on to test it. It should create a blue-purple light when it is on. Look in the kit for any additional instructions on using the particular UV lamp it contains.
Lay out the rest of the kit. Applying tooth gems means working with a number of small objects in a short amount of time. Make sure to lay out all of the different tools, including the gems you'll use. This will allow you quick and easy access to the tools you'll need when you need them. Lay everything out on a clean surface. Make sure you have plenty of light so that you can see what you're doing.
Choose your gems. Chances are that your kit has come with a variety of gems. Select which one(s) you will apply. Place them gem side up so you can see them and pick them up easily. You can put the other gems to the side or back in the kit. If you plan to apply multiple gems, lay them all out now. You want to be able to apply them all in a short time while the glue is fresh.
Squeeze out some hand cream. Your kit may not come with this, so you'll need to get it on your own. Place a small dollop of hand cream with your tools. You'll need it for getting the gem to stick to the applicator wand. Choose a simple cream that won't overwhelm you with fragrance when it's near your face. You only need a tiny amount of hand cream.
Prepping the Tooth
Brush your teeth. Brush your teeth well as you normally would. Make sure to rinse with water afterward to remove any residue or remaining toothpaste. Wash your hands so that they'll be clean when they touch the gems and your teeth. Tooth gems will not impede brushing or other dental hygiene once applied. Tooth gems can only be applied to natural enamel teeth. They will not stick to implants or dentures. Don't apply gems to damaged or cracked teeth, or teeth in need of other dental treatment.
Wash your hands. You'll want clean hands since you'll be touching things that will be going in or near your mouth. If someone else is helping you apply the tooth gems, make sure they wash their hands as well. Use soap and warm water to properly wash hands.
Expose the tooth. The best way to do this is to smile in a way that shows your teeth. Once you've done this, take one of the provided cotton balls and place it between the tooth and the lip to keep the lip away from the tooth. This is done to keep the tooth exposed and dry. If the lip still touches the tooth, use more pieces of cotton around it to pull the lip from the tooth. Place another cotton roll between the upper and lower teeth and bite down on it.
Dry the tooth. Use a piece of provided cotton to completely dry the tooth. This is a crucial step to making sure the gem will adhere to the tooth. If the tooth is not completely dry, it will not allow the glue to adhere.
Applying the Gem
Stir the glue. Your kit should come with applicator wands for the glue. Use one to stir the glue. Check your specific kit's instructions for how to stir the glue and for how long. Some kits say to stir the glue for five seconds.
Apply the glue to the tooth. Now that the applicator wand has glue on it, place a dab of glue on the tooth. Place the glue in the spot where you want the gem to sit. You only need a little bit of glue, so don't overdo it. Do this relatively quickly so that the glue is freshly stirred when it's applied. Apply two coats or dabs of glue.
Apply the gem. Dip the other end of the applicator into the small amount of hand cream that you laid out. The hand cream will help the gem stick to the applicator wand. You only need a small amount for the gem to stick to it. Once you've dipped the applicator in the hand cream, touch it to the gem side of the gem. The flat side should stay clean and not touch the hand cream at all. Once the gem is on the applicator wand, bring it to your tooth and press it into the place when you dabbed the glue. The gem should stay on the tooth.You can move the gem into the right place if it isn't exactly where you want it. Use the wand to do this.
Use the UV lamp to set the glue. Different kits will have different amounts of time that the glue needs to set for. However, four minutes may be a minimum amount of time. Hold the lamp as close to the tooth and gel as possible without touching the tooth. Make sure you're wearing your UV protective eyewear, as is anyone else watching the procedure.
Clean up. Your gem should now be affixed to the tooth. If your gem has been successfully adhered, it should be able to stay put through normal dental hygiene. Be sure to brush well under and around teh gem regularly, as that area can become more prone to decay if not taken care of. Take all of the cotton out of your mouth. When you want to remove the gem, there are a few options. If you want to take it off before it falls off naturally, you can sometimes use dental floss to help pull it off from the top down. Otherwise, make an appointment with your dentist, who will remove it the same way they remove dental brackets.
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