Does the Mormon Church Believe in the Trinity?
Does the Mormon Church Believe in the Trinity?
On paper, Mormonism seems to have a lot in common with Christianity—they're named the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, after all. Still, these religions have many ideological differences, especially when it comes to the Trinity (the belief that God exists as a single God in Three Persons).[1]
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We’ll break down exactly what Mormons and Christians believe about the Trinity, so you can be in the know.
Things You Should Know
  • Mormons don’t believe in the Trinity, but instead believe in what they call the “Godhead.”
  • Christians view God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit as unique entities that all co-exist as one God.
  • Mormons view God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit as separate beings that aren’t a singular entity.

Do Mormons believe in the Christian Trinity?

No, Mormons don’t believe in the Christian Trinity. In Christianity, God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are viewed as unique beings who exist as one singular God (similar to how ice, water, and steam are all chemically H2O). In Mormonism, God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are sacred entities that exist separately as the Godhead. The members of the Godhead all have the same purpose: to provide salvation and foster a relationship between God and believers. The term Godhead can be found in the Bible. However, it doesn’t follow the Mormon definition of the word. In Mormon ideology, God the Father and Jesus Christ exist as very distinct and separate entities, which directly contradicts the interconnected philosophy of the Christian Trinity.

God the Father

Christians view God the Father as a metaphorical father. According to Christian ideology, God the Father created mankind, the world, and everything in it. He is Jesus Christ’s biological Father, but is a metaphorical “Father” to the rest of humanity. Christians view God the Father as their Heavenly Father in the sense of him being their Creator, but not as their physical, biological father.

Mormons view God the Father as their father from their premortal lifetime. Mormons also view God the Father as the Creator of the universe, as well as Jesus Christ’s father. However, Mormonism differs from Christianity in its belief in “premortality,” or a person’s spiritual existence before they were born. Mormons believe that all people were born as God the Father’s spirit children in a premortal lifetime. According to Mormon ideology, all humans were part of a meeting in their premortal lifetime in which God the Father discussed his “great plan of happiness,” which ultimately involved humanity having free will and Jesus saving them. At this meeting, Lucifer advocated against free will. Ultimately, Mormons believe that every human born on Earth chose to follow God the Father and Jesus in their premortal lives, while those who followed Lucifer weren’t given this opportunity and were forced to leave Heaven.

Jesus the Son

Christians view Jesus as God’s only son and the Savior of humanity. According to the Bible, Jesus existed with God the Father at the beginning of Creation before taking human form as Jesus Christ. In doing so, Jesus was ultimately crucified for humanity’s collective sins so that believers could gain eternal life with God.

Mormons view Jesus as God’s first son, but not his only one. In the era of premortality, Jesus Christ was God the Father’s very first spiritual child, in the same sense that each member of humanity was also God’s spiritual child. In Mormon ideology, Jesus also made the sacrifice of dying for humanity’s sins so they could have a chance at eternal life with God. With that being said, Jesus is held in a very sacred light in Mormon beliefs. Like Christians, Mormons conclude their prayers with the phrase “in Jesus’ name,” though Mormons direct their prayers to God the Father rather than Jesus. Mormonism also explains how Lucifer was a spiritual child of God the Father who existed in premortality and was ultimately thrown out for his refusal to follow God’s plan.

The Holy Spirit

Christians view the Holy Spirit as a form of God that lives in all believers. Like God the Father and Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit has a distinct form, feelings, and desires. It exists and stays in the presence of every believer who accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Think of the Holy Spirit as a helpful guide in a believer’s spiritual journey.

Mormons view the Holy Spirit as a guiding spiritual force. Often referred to as the Holy Ghost, Mormons view the Holy Spirit in a similar light as Christians do—however, Mormons see It as a part of the Godhead, where it exists separately from God the Father and Jesus Christ. Still, Mormons also view the Holy Spirit as a helpful force that nudges believers in the right direction.

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