For optimum reproductive health, learn how to make the best product choices, maintain proper cleanliness, be active, deal with cramps, and get medical help when necessary.
Menstrual hygiene is a crucial aspect of a girl’s health and well-being. In honor of Menstrual Hygiene Day, we’ve compiled five essential tips that every girl should learn to manage her periods safely and confidently.
- Choose the Right Menstrual Products:Opt for high-quality, absorbent, and comfortable menstrual pads or tampons. Consider using menstrual cups or reusable pads for a more eco-friendly and cost-effective option. Ensure you have a sufficient supply of menstrual products to last throughout your cycle.
- Practice Good Hygiene:Change your menstrual pad or tampon regularly, every 4–8 hours or as needed. Wash your genital area with mild soap and water, especially after changing a pad or tampon. Avoid using scented products, as they can irritate the sensitive skin in the genital area.
- Stay active and healthy.Engage in regular physical activity, such as light exercises or yoga, to alleviate menstrual cramps and discomfort. Maintain a balanced diet rich in nutrients like iron, calcium, and magnesium to support your body during menstruation. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
- Manage Menstrual Cramps and Pain:Use over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen to alleviate menstrual cramps and pain. Apply a heating pad or hot water bottle to the lower abdomen to soothe cramps. Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to manage pain and stress.
- Seek medical advice when needed.Consult with a healthcare professional if you experience severe or prolonged menstrual pain, heavy bleeding, or any other concerns related to your menstrual cycle. Be open and honest with your doctor about your menstrual history and any changes or irregularities you notice. Discuss any concerns or questions you have about menstrual hygiene and management with a trusted adult or healthcare provider.
Remember, every girl’s menstrual cycle is unique, and it’s essential to listen to your body and find what works best for you. By following these essential tips and staying informed about menstrual hygiene, you can manage your periods with confidence and maintain good reproductive health.
(Inputs by Dr. Tejal Kanwar, Gynaecologist & Consultant at Ujaas (A menstrual health and hygiene management social enterprise))
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