Monsoon Survival Guide for Asthma Patients: Essential Care Tips
Monsoon Survival Guide for Asthma Patients: Essential Care Tips
Rainy weather can also increase the presence of dust mites and other allergens, so it is important to keep living spaces clean and dust-free

Monsoon season brings with it happiness but for asthma patients, it leads to discomfort. They need to take extra precautions to manage their condition effectively. The increased humidity and dampness in the air can trigger asthma symptoms, such as wheezing and difficulty breathing and making it uncomfortable for asthmatics to step out and enjoy the rains

The change in weather during the rainy season can trigger asthma symptoms and increase the risk of respiratory distress. Dr. Murali Mohan B V, Senior Consultant, Internal Medicine, Pulmonology, Mazumdar Shaw Medical Center, Narayana Health City, Bangalore, says, “Firstly, it is crucial for asthma patients to consistently take their prescribed medications as directed by their healthcare provider. This helps in managing and controlling asthma symptoms effectively. Additionally, maintaining a clean and allergen-free environment is essential. Keep indoor spaces dry, free from mold and dampness, and ensure proper ventilation to prevent the growth of allergens. During monsoon, it’s advisable for asthma patients to avoid exposure to damp and moldy areas.”

Rainy weather can also increase the presence of dust mites and other allergens, so it is important to keep living spaces clean and dust-free. Using air purifiers and dehumidifiers can also help in reducing indoor allergens. Lastly, it is recommended that asthma patients carry their prescribed inhalers at all times, as the sudden change in weather can trigger asthma attacks.

To protect themselves, asthma patients should stay indoors as much as possible, keep windows closed, and use air purifiers or dehumidifiers. Regularly cleaning and drying damp areas in the house is essential to prevent mold growth. It is advisable to carry inhalers and prescribed medications at all times to manage any sudden asthma attacks.

Caring for Children

Monsoon care for asthma patients, especially children, requires special attention. “Parents and caregivers should closely monitor their children’s symptoms and keep them on a consistent asthma management plan prescribed by their doctors. This includes regular use of prescribed medications, such as inhalers to control and prevent asthma symptoms. During the monsoon, parents should also be vigilant about their children’s exposure to rain, dampness, and outdoor allergens,” says Dr Indu Khosla, Senior consultant, Paediatric Pulmonologist, NHSRCC, Mumbai.

Provide them with appropriate rain gear when necessary. It’s also important to educate children about hand hygiene to reduce the risk of respiratory infections that may trigger asthma. By being proactive in their care, following prescribed treatments, and maintaining a clean and safe environment, children with asthma can stay healthy.

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